Thursday, December 1, 2011


It's my birthday today!!
December, 2nd 2011 (21211)
Birthday post coming soon =)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Who do you think you are??

Everyone have their own goals and achievements, the way how one individual do what they do in order to achieve it, it is up to them.

The question now is: 
"who do you think you are trying to be the barriers to stop oneself from going towards what they have been dreaming and planning of???"

The only thing that I hope that others will do is: 
"To regard the effort and be the one to cheer and give words of comfort when the going gets rough"

And who do they think they are, regarding whatever action we took and question it. You see, THERE'S A BLESSING IN DISGUISE and at least for now I got some information rather than just stuck in the same place, doing the same thing while other people are out there exploring life. 

I am a bit pissed (that's why I use the large font)..but I am fine.


P/s: Jangan ingat seseorang itu akan kekal di sesuatu tempat, jangan jadikan diri anda sebagai penghalang...anda mungkin tidak menyedarinya...tapi, suatu hari anda akan tau bahawa kadang-kadang, dimana seseorang itu berada tidak sesuai dengan tempat mereka berada dan mereka perlu melebarkan sayap dan mencari pengalaman sejajar dengan keinginan dan kebolehan seseorang.

Bagi saya...

Saya tak kisah kalau Pasukan Bola Sepak Malaysia ke Sukan SEA 2011 kalah di tangan tuan rumah...Saya akur sekiranya ia adalah permainan dan adil dan kedua-dua pihak menghormati antara satu sama lain. Bagi saya, kekalahan itu adalah sesuatu yang pasti, begitu juga dengan setiap kemenangan..Tahniah Harimau Muda...anda semua telah membanggakan semua rakyat Malaysia di serata dunia kerana kita adalah CHAMPION di SOUTH EAST ASIA!!!

**You guys make EVERYONE proud

Saya tak kisah dengan seribu kutukan mana-mana pihak tentang Malaysia...biar mencurah kutukan yang diterima, bagi saya, Malaysia adalah Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku...Saya bangga menjadi Rakyat Malaysia.

Tahniah kepada barisan Pasukan Bola Sepak Malaysia ke Sukan SEA yang telah berjaya membawa balik pingat emas. Walau beribu kutukan, walau jutaan individu yang mencaci anda semua di stadium tuan rumah, tetapi semangat Malaysia dan Harimau Muda tetap berkobar. Syabas!!!

Terima Kasih juga kepada anda semua kerana anda semua menunjukkan sportmanship yang terbaik. Semoga anda semua pulang ke tanah air dengan selamat.

Have a good rest to Team Malaysia...your journey is still long ahead.
But remember, I, NORAFIZAH BASIRIN, Always support you!!


Good night you sweet sweet people =)

P/s: Tak releven la nak minta declare cuti peristiwa esok hari..boleh buat negara byk kerugian. Jangan jadikan cuti peristiwa sebagai satu trend.

**Credit to Ayuni...saya amik gambar tu dari blog anda =3**

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Le tagged

  1. You must post these rules.
  2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
  3. .Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
  4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
  6. No tagging back!
  7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

  1. I love chocolate and pudding
  2. I'm single and still searching but not rushing because I'm picky >:)
  3. I am a south-paw (left-handed) person
  4. I cannot sit still and I always tend to keep myself busy
  5. I can't appropriately pronounce the word "R".
  6. I easily get inspired.
  7. I hate people who dump babies, and people who torture animals for fun...I truly hate them with all my heart and souls. 
  8. I speak to my cat *meow* 
  9. I sleep like a baby
  10. I love travelling .
  11. I buy my first iPod Nano with my own pocket money! =)

Questions from Miss Alia BEE! =)

1. What is your favorite color? Why?
Tough question I must say because I love many colors. But I must have Blue is the color (CHELSEA BABEY!!!)

2. What is your all time favorite song?
Mama by Spice Girls

3. Facebook? or Twitter?
Both! I facebook just for fun, and I Tweet random stuff 

4. Who is your alter-ego?

5. What is your hidden talent/s?
Baking cakes, acting *wink*

6. Public speaking? or debating?
I used to public-speaking in high-school, but I find debating is more fun since I got to POI and argue with people. Been in debate club since 2005. FTW!

7. A picture of you when you were a kid.
Le 2 y/o me celebrating le birthday
8. Do you like your name?
Yes I do

9. What is your dream house? Why?
MY dream house is the Little Brown House by the Sea because I want to enjoy the ocean breeze with my loved ones

10. YM? or MSN? or SKYPE?

11. Do you love/like me? Why? ehee
I, I , I love you like a love song baby~ hahaha~ Of course I love you Yaya, u're like my siblings to me..You're part of the debate family that I love so much <3

1. Do you watch football? What's your team?
2. Do you think that Facebook will face the same fate as Friendster and Myspace did?
3. Why do you blog?
4. What makes you hit the "LIKE" button on Facebook?
5. What is your favorite movie/s of all time?
6. Where is your phone as you are blogging this?
7. A picture from your last birthday.
8. Where is the poop?
9. What is in your handbag/bag?
10. Do you have any of Dashboard Confessional's song in your playlist?
11. Do you love/like me? Why? ehee

1. Sandra 
2. Irving
3. Arif Jamal
4. Nad
5. Ayuni
6. Afiq Zubir
7. Tom Rungitom
8. Misha Mulio
9. Norliana
10. Yuq
11. Ooney


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Million TQ just as much as the stars in the sky at night

I finally obtain my degree (FINALLY)

Me holding my degree while my mum at the back with the bouquet of flowers

I thought that I would never make it, considering the history that I used to have. I was once kicked out from this very institution due from bad performance in academic (I know that I can never really do that course but I was willing to risk everything that time just to make sure that my thoughts were wrong). I was devastated that moment thinking that I will never be able to do my degree. But I have this urge telling me that I need to back on my feet again and show everyone that I still can do it even though I was rejected. Alhamdulillah, as in this year of 2011, I have finally obtain my degree from the same institution, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

The 25th October 2011 mark the day that I finally become an alumni after I received my degree from the very own Vice Chancellor of UiTM, Dato' Prof. Ir Dr. Sahol Hamid.

Dato' Prof. Ir Dr. Sahol Hamid
Vice Chancellor of UiTM Malaysia.
The only irony thing that I could ever think about while receiving the scroll from his hand was; well, last year, I got the opportunity to attend his Hari Raya Open house which he cordially invited the Student Representative (SRC) of UiTM which happen to have a centralize meeting.
In VC's office last year =3
So, gotta say that I was honored to have the opportunity =)

Going back to the graduation thingy.
When I think about it, the path to finally obtain this degree is very hard.

That many sleepless nights doing assignments...THE life-threatening assignments!

Some of the life-threatening assignmentss  

That many days of arguing with lecturers in class...I mean THE lecturers (You guys are the best!)
The one and only Ms. Bern who never fail to scold us every class and gives us lots of  motivation

That many happy and tormenting days with my classmates..I mean THE classmates!
THE Classmates *Baju Kuning is our lecturer; Sir Franklin*
During field trip to Danum Valley..Epic Picture is EPIC!
That many debate tournament...and the people that I met that time

Some of the tourney and the people 
People in the campus
Running for SRC
That many other people...
That little girl is Sarah. She is Adorable. 

MashaAllah..It has been great years. I get to meet lots of people from many walks of life and experience things that I never thought I would experience. I still remember, while doing my 1st semester of Diploma, I was almost in the debate team to Shah Alam in 2005, unfortunately, they have to cut me off due to budget constraint. That day, I was devastated..But I made a promise that in the future, I will redeem myself, that I will go to that many debate tournament that I even don't have time to spend my semester break, that I somehow have to make the family vacation slightly short for me, that I even gonna complaint that I don't have weekend anymore. Alhamdulillah, I DID IT! I went to many debate tournament, been flying all over the country, I was so busy, I even unable to attend my niece birthday party twice! Celebrating my birthday while out of hometown for 3 times,  I don't have mid semester nor even semester break, not even close to any weekend. I was just been going everywhere. Alhamdulillah for the opportunity.

So, here it is...the thank yous to people who have leave a great impact in my life.

To Allah SWT: The starting of 2009, it was not too long when the year start that I involve in love relationship that in the end really breaks my heart. I still remember that I spend one week to get myself back on my feet again after my last break up. That semester, I thought that I will not survive and I will not score during my final exam. But Allah Swt have His own way of making things comes my way and Alhamdulillah, and I have to admit as well that I still can't believe that I actually manage to maintain my academic reputation. Thank You Allah. Thank you for always giving me the courage to fight for what I know is right for me, Thank you for always listening to me after praying, I always knew that when I don't have anybody to turn to or talk to, I knew that you are an absolute place that I can turn to whenever I feel like talking to anyone.  Alhamdulillah, Allah has granted me things that I wanted all this while. I feel blessed. Alhamdulillah.

To My Parents: This honor of having to complete my degree, I dedicate solely to my mum and my dad..if it's not because of them, I wouldn't have what it takes to complete all this. Because of them as well, I am proud to say that even during my diploma and doing my degree, I didn't apply PTPTN. I am grateful to have Mr.Basirian Musi and Pn.Rasidah Arasdin as my parents. Their endless effort and love towards me are something that I know I can never repay, I owe both of them here and hereafter. I wish Allah Swt will always protect my parents and make them happy, they are the source of my happiness and strength, they are the reason that I survive and I hope that I will turn to someone who can help them, shower them with wealth and love like they did to me. Amin. Same goes to the rest of my family. Thank you.

To My Lecturers; Ms. Bernadatte, Mr. Frank, Madam Hasnawati, Madam Imelda, PM Rosdiana, PM Roslan, Dr. Worran, Ms. Jac, Madam Cynthia, PM Matyasin, En. Sibley, PM Abdul Rahman, En Jais, Mr. Kam, Mr. Marsus, PM Roslan Mokhtar, Mr. Mano, Dr. Xavier and every lecturer...if it's not because of you guys giving me the nightmare from the assignment and term papers up until every project, I don't think I will ever understand whatever I study and life. Thank you very much for keeping up with me as your students. I always know that I always owe each and everyone of you. May God always protect all of you.

To My Debate Family, Echoes Club; Mr. Firdausi, Azel, Kim, Sheenie, Aqilah, Alia Bee, Aan, Sandra..(gosh! There's many of you!!!), throughout my entire life in UiTM, my days wouldn't be as exciting as what it turn out in the end if it's not because of you guys. Thank you for the priceless moment that I had with you guys. The club make my uni life even more interesting and alive and makes my uni life with a clearer purposes and aim. The club help me a lot and I hope the effort will still continue. I will always support the club and I will always help. Thank you!

To my classmates, you're the best...Thank you very much.

There are just too many people that I want to say thank you. You guys are among that many other people who make it happen..I really appreciate you guys and I always pray that you guys will have a happy life, sweet life, and always protected in whatever you guys do. =)

Until then, I hope to see you guys in the future.

Some pictures during my convocation =)

Good Luck to each and everyone of you..

See you in the next entry you sweet sweet people =)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Graduation 5.0 - Introduction

Assalamualaikum and Good Day everyone! =)

It has been a while I haven't post anything and I am sorry because I know that I did promised everyone that I will post something regarding my graduation day but I was too busy entertaining my family while I was in KL.
So, I only have time to come back blogging as soon as I reach home. But, as you may realize, only now that I actually really make a come-back to my blog because I was really busy for the last 2 weeks, and to be honest, I am still in the busy mode and actually in the midst of mental-block on how am I suppose to write.
So, I decide that...

I will come back within 2-3 days later and write about my graduation. InsyaAllah I will try my best to put the best way possible in my next entry.

So, until then, you people have sweet sweet time of November.

Have a nice day.

See you Soon!


P/s: Esok nak kena tido awal...I ran out of excuses already if I don't come tomorrow =]

Friday, October 21, 2011

If you have a camera...

Look at this camera..

Cool huh?

And this one too..

Well, this one is not that bad..


As long as all these gadgets can capture any picture and even record some event.

Going back to history, who actually invented camera? I am not that sure as well, but as far as I know, it was in 1839, where a Frenchman Louis Daguerre invented the first camera. The Daguerreotype, a metal plate coated with silver iodide, was exposed to light through a small hole in the camera.

Now, I am sure some are familiar with how does the camera looks like WAY back before:

and I am pretty sure that some of you even saw it once or twice on the old movie on how do the ancient camera being use. *Watch Titanic and you will see that the flash are way too shinny*

For me, the invention of camera is a revolution, it's just like the invention of light bulb; both of these items really change the way we live now, i.e; we have lights at night, and we can capture every moment that we want to capture and save it for memories.

I mean, look at what the camera do to us, even if we never been to France, we still can see the Eiffel Tower, we never been to the Niagra Fall, but we able to see and somehow imagine how it feels like being there..isn't it JUST AMAZING??!!!!

Now, the reason that I post this is not to mumbling about camera..*I know it will be pretty lame if I spend the next 5 minutes of you reading aimless post*

I admit that I am an internet addict and sometimes I spend hours watching videos on YOUTUBE or just looking at some pictures..I love them; you know, pictures with people in it smiling and having a good time with their loved ones. It's just amazing that these days, people are now able to capture that sweet moment using good camera. I mean, come on, admit it, how many of you actually wanted or already have DSLR? I think 5 out of 10 people that I know OWN one. *And I have to say that I am impress since you are in possession of something that when you make good use of it, you may able to capture pictures that may just make someone else touched*

But here's the thing...actually, it's bugging me. Like SERIOUSLY.

You do realize that when there are any interesting pictures being shared on Facebook and especially when the picture have the "advising" element in it, other people feel OBLIGE to share it.
You see, it's not that I am condemning the act of sharing. It's just that whatever being posted are somehow at some point seems inappropriate.

Recently, the world of Facebook are being shaken by this amateur video of a 2 y/o girl that are being ran over TWICE by vehicle in China and nobody help her.
You know what is the sad thing? It's not really the little girl being ran over twice, but it's the act of posting the video on any social network. I know other people may bash me because I says so. But I have my own reason.
By just reading the description, I know how awful that is and it's sickening. I never saw the video because for me, knowing that this kind of thing actually happen is enough. I was actually pissed that nobody help her. But I ran into some article today saying that, in China, when you help other people who are facing trouble for example; an old woman fell on stairs and you happen to be there and you help her. When you help other people, you will as well be obliged to bear whatever cost occurred due from the mishap. And things could turn out really bad when the relative of the person that you help accuse you for being the one who cause that injury. That's why in that video, the vehicle driver did not stop his vehicle and help her, instead, he was hoping that she would just die because apparently, the cost of compensation is not as much as the cost of treating the injured person.

Sick isn't it? Yes! IT IS!

Where is the humanity in China?

Now, going back to the topic.

It just bugs me big time that people have the time to capture the video and just let the little girl being ran over. For GOD sake, it's a human life which is irreplaceable once it's gone, but other people run to get their camera and record it? FCK how the rules goes in China, just run and help the helpless little girl, not run to get the camera and record it!!!! 

Now, fine...since there's nothing that we can do now as the video turn viral in a blink of an eye. I was thinking, why people even have the heart to re-post it?

Of course by the moment that the video went viral, the little girl is still alive although her life is hanging by a thread. Few hours ago, I just read that the little girl passed away *May she rest in peace*. But I don't know, who are the culprit behind those pictures of her which is taken while she was in treatment. Yes, it's sad but here's the thing...*allow me to mix my next statement in Malay*
I still remember that we are being thought that kita tak sepatutnya mengaibkan seseorang itu apabila orang tersebut telah meninggal dunia. Tak kira la betapa jahat perangai orang yang meninggal dunia tu semasa hidup, tapi tak baik kita nak aibkan orang. Dan tak kira juga betapa teruk kemalangan atau musibah yang dihadapi oleh seseorang itu sehingga menyebabkan kematiannya, kita tetap tak boleh aibkan seseorang itu setelah nyawa terpisah dari tubuh. Cuba bayangkan anda di posisi mereka yang sedang bertarung nyawa, bila masa mereka melihat dunia dari pandangan di mana orang lain tidak dapat melihat mereka, tetapi mereka dapat melihat setiap apa perbuatan orang lain itu terhadap jasad mereka. Cuba bayangkan, apa perasaan anda?



Tak tau mana nak letak muka?




Yes, all of that and maybe some more. I understand that the video or pictures are being posted sebagai peringatan pada semua, supaya benda yang sama tak akan berulang, supaya orang lain mengambil ikhtibar, supaya kita semua akan menjadi manusia yang terbaik dan berperikemanusiaan. Tapi, tak kan la menggunakan the exact photo? I still remember that I used to read lots of scary article without pictures, but still, it gives me goosebumps.

Why can't people describe what happen to the little girl (Yue Yue) by words only? Are they afraid that words won't be effective and people will just say its' exaggerating? that they need to publish real picture? For the love of humanity, IF YOU PITY THAT LITTLE GIRL, STOP POSTING THAT PICTURE BECAUSE SHE MAY NOT REST IN PEACE. If you're thinking about posting her picture in ICU with your caption saying "Rest in peace", You better stop whatever you are doing because you are not wishing her to rest in peace because you post that bloody picture. Stop being hypocritical.

For those with camera, just take nice picture...a good picture is not enough because taking a picture of babies being cut off, human being burnt to death is still considered good as long as it has good lighting #justsaying. Please take nice picture, when I said nice picture, it means picture whereby the people in it is still alive and happily smiling and laughing and having a good time. Why take sad picture when you capturing it for memories? Isn't it that we want to get rid of the bad memories? I don't know how people see things these days. But for me, looking at nice picture makes me happy.

So, if you have a camera, you are obliged to take picture that can make other people touched. You are an artiste. And if you happen to possess a disturbing picture like you name it, I hope you will not simply post it and I hope you are being responsible.

I guess that's it...
You people have a great weekend and take lots of nice picture.


P/s: Segala yang baik datang dari Allah S.W.T, segala yang buruk datang dari kelemahan diri saya sendiri. Wallahualam.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My mood is still a bit off

Guten tag!!

So here  I am, typing another entry into this blog and to be honest, I am still pissed. Pissed on what I finally heard and only God knows how I really wanna bitch slap that 4 person that coming in and eventually leave the club like a coward, and start to engrave bad names of the club by using the club's name to cover the bad thing that woman did. (Oh how I wish to change the pronouns to bad word like __________________ ( please insert your own thought of bad names *you can even leave it in the comment section below*)

To start telling the story why am I still feeling a bit off, let me summarize what happen in the beginning.

As usually, the club that I have been into for quite a long time will held the usual recruitment drive in order to have new people in the club and still keep the club running when the senior finally graduate. So, that early of 2011, we got these 4 new degree students who are interested to join the club.

That same time of the year as well, a TOURNAMENT held by this one institution. So, we went through some training and off we go for that tournament.

It's not like they are really suck, I mean, at least they are trying. I was once like them before when I first started with this thing, but eventually I improve. *at least this are my thoughts to them before I knew whatever shit they leave*

But I just knew that this one girl among that 4 people used the name of the club for her to escape any action being taken against her that night after the tournament's grand dinner. She went out with her boyfriend which has nothing have to do with the club, but when the security guard ask her who is that guy, she claimed that the boyfriend is also a part of the club (when the guy is actually not even a student) and that they just got back from the tournament's dinner; hence she let loose.

To that woman;
I don't give a damn if you want to hang out with your boyfriend, do some nasty thing that satisfy the desire of both of you; I.Do.Not.Care.
Seriously woman, I am really mad at you and thinking of you just made me say "Bitch!" Hopefully someday you gonna fall face down!

Ok, off to another thing. The vice president of the club pulled out and the other 3 of his friends decide the same thing as well on the ground that they are taking 9 subjects this semester and they need to focus on their studies *which I really doubt*.

Here's one thing that I never really have the guts to say it in public, that only my close friends know about it.
I used to enrolled in Diploma in Science in the mid of 2004. I am really focus, but the thing is, what I was currently doing back than is something that really doesn't fascinate me. All I did was study and I don't have any other activities in university and it is as if I don't have a life. At the end of the semester, I got kicked out. Yes, I was kicked out with CGPA less than 1.80. It really sadden me..I fell really hard and I cried for no reason for 1 week.
But then, Alhamdulillah, I manage to redeem myself. I enroll into a course that I have interest into, and I start to join the club. My CGPA during my diploma was not really that impressive, but that doesn't stop me from joining the club anymore. When I enroll into my degree, I still join the club, and because of the club, I have a life and I have been molded to something that I never imagine I could be..sometimes, when I look into the mirror, I always say "Look at you Ija, you used to fell really hard and you used to cried for many nights thinking about the failure that ever come your way. But look at you now.., even if nobody is proud of you, but you should, You should be proud!"

I never blame the club for making me such a busy woman during my uni life, I never blame the club for the mess that eventually occurred in my life, I never blame the club for being the reason that I missed that many family gathering or my semester break...I never blame the club. The club is something special to me..For me, without the club, I am nothing, my uni life would be just another many years wasted without any special memory and I wouldn't have anything to offer to the world.
The club change me.

So, going back to the culprits' excuses. I say that that is an absolutely absurd reason. Depending only to the in-class lesson would not accelerate the growth of potential of an individual. People should go out there and experience the things that life have to offer; go out there and not really bound to what are being thought in class.

To all 4 culprits:
I will not wishing all of you any good luck, nor even a safe life. All I wanted to say to the 4 of you is FUCK OFF!!!

Ok, bai!

P/s: I am in the graduation mood! Yeay!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I don't click on whatever link that you says "Please like this..I'm trying to win/get more money"

Yes, Seriously...I don't click it...and you can't make me click that bloody link. Enough said.

That's all.

Assalamualaikum & have a nice day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

6 Persoalan Hidup di tengahari yang sangat cool dan sangat best mau tido~

Soalan 1: Apa yang paling dekat dengang diri kita di dunia ini?
Jawapan 1: Mati. 
Sebab: Itu sudah janji Allah SWT bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati.

Soalan 2: Apa yang paling jauh dari diri kita di dunia ini?
Jawapan 2: Masa lalu
Sebab: benda da lalu, bukan senang nak dpt balik..and nak experience the same thing over and over again..*sendiri mau faham la kan*

Soalan 3: Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?
Jawapan 3: Nafsu
Sebab: Nafsu yang menguasai diri , menyebabkan manusia gagal menggunakan akal , mata , telinga dan hati yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT. untuk hidup berlandaskan kebenaran

Soalan 4: Apa yang paling berat di dunia ini?
Jawapan 4: Memegang amanah
Sebab: *sendiri mau faham la kan*

Soalan 5: Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?
Jawapan 5: Meninggalkan solat
Sebab: Gara-gara pekerjaan, kita tinggalkan solat, gara-gara meeting kita tinggalkan solat.

Soalan 6: Apakah yang paling tajam di dunia ini?
Jawapan 6: Lidah manusia
Sebab: Kerana melalui lidah, manusia  dengan begitu mudah menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri.

-Credit to
- Go to for further reading -

 **So, lepas mkn jgn lupa tunaikan kewajiban okay**

Have a nice day!~

Sunday, September 25, 2011

That link you gave for me to open (it's a scary picture and some possessed girl screaming as the background


How are you readers?
I hope everyone is doing great.

Here's a thing that I would like to share this time.

You know that link that some people *especially guys* often give their friends *especially girls*...they gave the link to their friends in hope that their friends will check it out...Yes, for people who "Meh~ I don't give a damn about this", they may just ignore it. But what happen when the people happen to be someone who take whatever bloody link that the other people gave seriously?

Call me dumb or what, but blame the people that gave me the link...because apparently those people who gave me the link are my prep class student...and perhaps they need clarification on certain thing in their subject and stuff like that. So, that one fateful night, this one kid, he gave me the link in my Facebook inbox:

So, I open in *since he said that it's their class's picture*...
But BLOODY HELL!!!! It startled me with the screaming of a girl...I'm lucky enough that I didn't see the picture since I was browsing other page when I was waiting for that bloody link to open.

And...few days later...the friend of the "troll" up there did the same thing:

This retarded act really sickening immature of you fella!
Hence, I am here to write a hate post about you people out there who like to scare girls with a link to scary stuff at night

Not-so Dear  people out there who like to scare girls with a link to scary stuff at night,
I do get your joke..I seriously get your bloody lame joke..some credit to you for trying your best to be in the next "Raja Lawak". But seriously? is that the best that you can do? *pffffttT* even my nephew can do better joke than that. And you think it's funny to laugh at a girl after scaring them off? here's the thing, I don't find it funny...I find it fucking retarded and fucking immature. If you do that to the girl that you like, then you're gonna be FOREVER ALONE knowing the fact that you made the girl of your dream hate you for the next lifetime. As for me, bear in mind that I will remember this stupid thing that you did until the day that I'm gone. Oh yes I did forgive your sick act, but I will never forget...someday, you will know that life's a bitch and you will think back on the bad things that you did in the past including scaring a girl at night. I hope you understand that I truly hate what you did. I hope that you will grow up and when you finally grow up, I hope you think back on how stupid was your act. Such a shame you made someone who wanted to help you feels so irritated with you..I truly am. And get this straight, the next time you see me, I'm gonna sneer at you and I will make sure that you will feel bad. I have nothing else to say because if I do, I will only gonna curse you...So with that, YOU enjoy your fun while it last..

Yes, you may feel that I made a big deal out of this *So what???!!!!* If you do, you can now point your mouse to the "X" on top of this window and close this.

I SANGAT benci dengan manusia-manusia yang macam ni...Korg ingat korg tu hebat sgt la? *da la bagi link pun mmg da terang2 tulis exorcist...nak kata palui boleh???* Korg takde keje lain ke nak buat..kalo takde pun, baik p tido la weyh! memanjang je I tgk status kata mengantuk la, lapar la, bosan la...obvious sgt korg mcm takde life nak appreciate kan! Daripada korg scaring girls camtu, baik korg p buat benda yg bagus, yang berfaedah...korg pedajal girls camtu, free-free korg kena sumpah...korg igt sikit, hidup ni mcm roda, sentiasa berputar, sekejap kat atas, kejap lg kat bawah...I tak nak la kata apa-apa...Tuhan je la balas perbuatan korg yg takde maknanya tu~

Ok..sekian rants yang terbuku sejak minggu lepas pada malam ni...semoga lain kali takde benda yang menyakitkan hati.

Selamat malam...PEACE!

P/s: Good luck la ye pada yg da dok finals tu...pada yg buat jahat tu, cepat2 la insaf, cepat2 minta maaf...kang result hampeh baru korg tau tingginya langit tu.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just a random thought before I call it a day

Assalamualaikum and Hello =D

There are many things that I want to talk about. But since I should be in bed already, there are only one thing that I want to share for now.

All praise to Allah...for giving me the chance to live another day yesterday..If Allah give me another chance to live many more days to come, I hope I will be a better person than I was yesterday...InsyaAllah.

All praise to Allah...for giving me the faith and believe that whatever may happen, good or bad; there are always a solution. Thank You Allah for making me feel at peace knowing that with the faith I have in you, I am never alone because You will always be there for me.

All praise to Allah for still making me wake up to this family. There may be few things that we may lack of, but I never want to replace this family with any other. In the name of Allah, I love this family dearly.

All praise to Allah for still giving me enough food to eat and fill my empty stomach, and water to take away the thirst. I will always remember the hungry and the thirsty one that is unable to get enough food and water in their place


There are just too many things that I want to thank Allah. Allah never fail to show me the way to things that I need in EVERYTHING. I could never thank Allah enough. I am grateful....I really am.

May Allah bless all of us
And in the name of Allah...before I go to sleep, I forgive each and everyone of you :-)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Please just distract me for a while

Assalamualaikum...Guten Morgen everyone =D

Just a brief idea...sorg akak kat office ni bagitau I ada satu company ni tgh cari pekerja baru...
In banking industry...mmg trusted la..
So now, I nak kena buat resume and hantar kat this one guy yg call akak tu tadi kat company tu...

InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki, I dapat la tu kot...tapi apa-apa pun, usaha dulu baru tawakal kan =D

But please for now...tolong distract I dari fikir that thing cuz skg ni office hour, I tgh buat report..takut-takut je I tak focus nak olah ayat dalam report ni...LOL!~ Nanti malam, InsyaAllah I buat portfolio and touch-up sikit resume I yang da mmg standby tu...

Okay...Sambung buat keja...see ya!

Considerations and the merits of a piece of advice

Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, salam 1Malaysia =D

Hey Yo!~
So, I buat 2 post pada jangka masa tak sampai 24 achievement I must say in the effort of making me a rigid blogger...*maybe~*

Ok, entry kali ni takde la nak bebel panjang...nak masuk tido kejap lagi kot...nak bgun awal da, tak nak lambat..*insaf~*

Okay, it's not that I'm condoning anyone in this's just a thought that came across my mind *although it happens in real life of mine, but still, I am not condemning anyone* 
For me, advise is the most precious thing in this world one could ever obtain. It's not easy obtaining it and it is 10 times harder giving it if one don't have the ample experience to actually giving the advise full-heartedly.
I admit that I am not perfect, but I am trying to be a better person than I was yesterday. Giving advise is something that I somehow fear because it involve the judgement of oneself and in the end, resulting to certain action due to the advise that we gave. Hence, in terms of giving advise, I always don't give the solution to others, instead I lead them to finding the solution by their own; whether they know it or not.

But what happens when we already have the experience, we know what things needed to be done, what should we do, and what are the remedies when things goes wrong, but the person that we gave the advise won't listen to it and still stick to what they believe in although we know there are still yet another better solution. Honestly, it is heartbreaking for me...when someone won't even think or consider the thought that we gave. And when things just go wrong, they blame us for whatever happens and for not lending the hands or idea to help. Irritating isn't it? yeah...I know...That is why, when I am done giving the advise, and the person that I'm advising just won't listen, I just let them...besides, every sane human being are gifted with brain to think and I believe that whatever decision that we make and think of, it is guided by Allah SWT.

There...I said it...I will not condemning..I am just wishing the best in life in whatever decision that people have made after I gave them the advise. I just hope that they remember for whatever happen, happen for a reason, and there's blessing in disguise. I hope, no one ever question the destiny that they have to face to because, no matter what religion that you are practicing, we all believe that there will be a better day after a hard stormy day. Besides, it is God's way of revealing to us the mystery of's just so wonderful and exploration is the best in understanding the value of life.

May God bless all of us.

Thanks for reading...See you soon! =)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Infidelity?? I hope not

Assalamualaikum, Salam sejahtera, how are you dear readers?

So, we meet again and this time =D

Today, I nak cerita ala-ala drama kat TV tu...agak la...tapi tak la terlalu drama macam kat TV tu...masih boleh control kot (boleh control part I kot, tak tau la part akak tu...teehee)

So, as the world know it, yesterday was sunday and of course, today is monday and we don't need any doctor to diagnose how lazy people are when they have to wake up really early in the morning especially monday morning to prepare oneself for work. *well, I do, I woke up late but luckily manage to arrive just in time*

I tak tau apa kena dengan I, takde la nak moody sgt *despite the fact that I have monthly visitor now...pffftt!! You don't know how many chocolate that I indulge into yesterday* 
My mood was just fine...I mean, just fine.

Ok, skg baru kita masuk cerita yg sangat bersangkut paut ngan tajuk besar kat atas sekali tu...
Tak, bukan I yang buat infidelity tu..*boyfriend pun takde, camne nak infidelity? Kalo ada boyfriend pun, tak kuasa I nak curang...Ya Allah, pelihara la aku dari sifat itu Ya Allah*
Ini sorg akak la...dia ni dari minggu lepas lg syok nak cite kat aku pasal "boyfriend" baru dia, sorg caucasian (OMPUTIH GILA!!!), tinggal kat NEW YORK, USA (OVERSEA TUH!!!), Muda (ntah la brapa dekad gap dia ngan akak ni), and and and...mamat tu is a US Military...something like that la, yg penting mamat tu army for USA.
Masuk minggu ni, pagi-pagi, akak tu nmpk je I masuk ofis terus kata kat I "Facebook tak dpt bukak, kena block". I pun naik binggung pesal dia nak bgtau kat I plak?? bukan I yg filter segala laman sesawang yang ofis ni browse =.="
lgpun I masuk ofis bukan nak dok bukak Facebook je memanjang...pagi ni takde niat nak bukak website tu..pagi ni I nak terus buat report, akak tu plak sebok sampaikan berita camtu (bajet CNN!)...bukan I kemaruk sgt nak bukak Facebook, tak hairan la...I kat umah, dlm tandas pun I boleh Facebook kalo I nak (I je tak nak...tak kan nak aibkan diri sendiri).
I tahap tak puas hati pun ada...bukan apa la, I bukan nak mengajar sape-sape, nak fire sesape ke, apa ke...tapi buat je la cite ni sebagai ikhtibar buat bakal-bakal dan isteri-isteri kat luar sana (juga pada diri sendiri); seburuk mana pun suami kita, dia tetap suami kita, sudah ada ikatan yang sah, jangan dipertikaikan lagi. Terima segala kelemahan dan kekurangan yang ada, sesungguhnya hanya Allah SWT yang sempurna. Janganlah kita curang, walaupun suami kita tak tau kecurangan itu, tetapi ketahui lah dan ingatlah, Allah SWT maha mengetahui sama ada yang kita zahirkan, mahupun yang tercetus dalam hati naluri kita...sekiranya perasaan malu itu tidak ada terhadap diri sendiri, malu lah pada Allah SWT kerana Allah SWT maha melihat setiap apa perbuatan kita.

Bukan I nak tazkirah atau berceramah, tapi seriously, I pantang bila somebody tu ada kecenderungan nak curang dengan partner sendiri...I mean, come on la..da berapa lama bersama, skg nak buat hal pulak..hal yang sekelip mata je da boleh runtuhkan kebahagiaan yang terbina selama ni..tak baik..

Mungkin akak ni boleh diselamatkan dari hanyut dan terus cair oleh mamat la, I ada gak baca sikit apa private msg yg mamat tu send kat akak tu *da akak tu bagi tunjuk baca, I baca la..*...seriously...mamat tu jiwang tahap buku penulisan Romeo...tapi I yakin yang setiap cebis yg dia tulis tu, amik dari mana-mana buku je...*bukannya akak tu tau segala buku yang ada kat NY tu kan...teehee*
Tapi, seriously la...mmg tahap boleh mencairkan mana-mana wanita..*but for me, it's too cliche because I mcm pernah baca kat memana ayat mamat tu*
Nasib baik la I menolak bila akak tu nak bagi I bercakap kat fon bila mamat tu call akak tu aritu...*walaupun I ada American accent, tak kuasa I nak cari pasal...nak mamat tu tak puas hati, kang dia hantar bom pegi kawasan ni :-O*

Tapi apa-apa pun...I harap lah akak tu hentikan la dari contact mamat tu...takde maknanya...mamat tu maybe nak cari MILF je kot...ntah..tak tau dan I tak paham pesal dia nak berjiwang karat...lantak p la dia....I tak kisah..yg penting I tak kena-mengena...

Ok...I nak p jalan-jalan keliling ofis renggangkan otot


Friday, September 16, 2011

Pembuangan sekali lagi


So, agak lama la jugak I tak on9..bukan apa la...bajet nak kata busy memanjang, da abis study, da takde nak pening kepala dok menghadap assignment and study tiap-tiap malam sampai ke subuh...nak kata I busy ngan keja...well, keja aku kat ofis tu, setakat buat report ntah apa2...lgpun next month I will be jobless since contract da abis kot...lagipun next month will be my convocation!!! Whee~ (So, sila tunggu...)

Oh, apa yg I ckp kat atas tu takde kena mengena dengan tajuk besar tu...

Nak dijadikan cerita yang kait mengait ngan tajuk besar tu...well, I mentioned that it has been a while I'm not on9 fact, when I do, only for some time, checking emails, commenting on some post, reading some news...(well, who cares anyway). Ni perangai mula malas on9 ni mula develop time bulan puasa baru-baru la, I dok keja, kat ofis walaupun facebook tak kena sekat, tapi tak ble main game (so, because of that, I don't care anymore on what happen to my farm and my city in facebook...mehaha~) 

So, dipendekkan cite lg la (since I da nak masuk tido)
well, kan facebook skg ni, if you view the wall post and commenting on it until it reach 200++ comment between u and the other 2-3 friends, kat tepi sebelah kanan tu kan ada kira mcm memory flashback la konon on what did you post last year and last 2 years ago punya status...Honestly, I suka baca balik my status tu =3

Then, there is this status that I think I post last year. Then sorg "kwn" tu comment...then yang I pelik, kat tepi nama dia tu ada kata "2 mutual friend".
So I naik pelik, I click la "kwn" tu punya profile.

Dia UNFRIEND I kat facebook!!!

Ni bukan first time dia buat camtu...dulu pun dia buat sampai I ingat dia da sudi nak kawan dengan I, yg dia ni ada kehidupan sendiri, yg I tak perlu kacau dia lg....bla bla bla (insert any sulking sentence)
So, that 1st time si "kwn" tu buat camtu...I biar la...I ni pompuan...agak senang menangis kalau la kawan mana-mana tujukan kata-kata kesat...So, I da tak contact si kawan tu ntah brapa bulan lamanya. la, kita tak tau kan ketentuan Tuhan. There is this one day I jalan-jalan kat downtown Shah Alam dengan member time tu ada debate tournament, so malam tu free kitorg ronda-ronda la konon...time nak kuar dari tmpt tu...ASTAGFIRULLAALAZIM!!! SUBHANALLAH!!! Kecik sungguh dunia ni Ya Allah...boleh2 I TERjumpa si kawan. So, I tegur mcm biasa, tak nak la tunjuk yg I kecik hati serius cara I layan dia time tu tak seperti diri I yg biasa. Then I said goodbye. I tak bagi tgl nombor fon I kat si kawan tu...cuz I just blah. Then time OTW balik to our kawan msg (tak sangka pulak dia simpan lg konon my number)...I balas cam biasa...last-last I fire dia jgk la sbb unfriend kat facebook. Lagi tak ble blah, dia plak tuduh kata I yg unfriend (ntah sengal tahap berapa =.="). KEPADA KAWAN-KAWAN YANG BERADA DALAM FRIEND LIST KAT FACEBOOK, KORG INGAT NI BAIK-BAIK WALAUPUN KORG ATAU I YANG DA TAKDE KAT DUNIA NI, I TAK KAN PERNAH UNFRIEND MANA-MANA KAWAN I KAT FACEBOOK TU...SEKALI I ANGGAP KAWAN, SAMPAI BILA-BILA I SAYANG. I TAK SUKA PUTUSKAN SILATURAHIM.

Ok, tu cite (sebelum CAPS LOCK) tu adalah cerita tahun lepas. Ni nak cite tahun ni...I've mentioned that si kawan tu unfriend I lagi....I baru sedar malam ni sebab sejak dua menjak ni I malas buka facebook, so malam ni I bukak I jalan2 kat profile org. 

I tak harap sangat la si kawan tu baca entry kali ni...semoga la dia takde link to my blog. Kalo ada pun, baik dia lupakan je la...kalo dia baca, I think okay kot, bagi dia sedar banyak (bukan sikit okay). Ni yang I nak cakap kat si kawan:

Kehadapan si kawan,
Kenapa buat I macam tu lagi? I thought I made it clear that I am a woman of my word. When I told and threat you if you don't add me that night, I will not add you EVER. I am serious. And I thought I told you that if you ever unfriend me again, I will not add you again EVER. I gave you the second chance, I always believe that giving people the second chance is better because people don't want the history to repeat itself. But indeed you did, you repeat the history. You deleted me again and I don't know why. I am really disappointed I could cry. I am sad. Just sad. I geleng kepala bila tau u delete I lagi. I tak suka. I don't like this. I don't want friendship to abruptly ended by one-sided without any valid reason. 
But it happens...there's nothing you can do to undo the damage. Clicking the "Add as friend" button won't heal the wound, not in the past, and definitely not now because even if you do, I will just ignore because there's no 3rd chance given to anyone else whoever treat me bad in the past. This is the reason why I do this entry, to remind myself not to give you the 3rd chance. 
I'm sorry, but I can't give you the chance anymore. Hence, I wish you well, I wish you have a good life, I wish you going through a good life. I am wishing you all the best.
And in the name of Allah the Almighty, I forgive you even though what you did was really hurtful to me, but time will heal. InsyaAllah.
Good Luck!

Okay...tu je I nak ckp mlm ni. Tapi seriously, I memang kecewa. InsyaAllah, esok pagi lepas I da tido dengan nyenyak, I okay kot.

Ok. See ya!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I didn't accept the job offer...something came, I've to decline~


Monday, August 15, 2011

Deciding a job offer

Last thursday I went for an interview (Sorry, I cannot disclose any information regarding the company nor even the detail about the position).
The company..well, it is the subsidiary of a multinational company..
the pay is not bad as for a fresh graduate as, they provide other benefits as well...
the only thing that I may have problem with is the location.

It was stated earlier even before the interview, the HR of the company stated in the e-mail calling for interview that should I be accepted for this position, I will be relocated to somewhere else around Malaysia.
And because of that...I didn't really put any high hope for it since I'm a girl and feminism might be an issue.


Today is Monday...I received a phone call from one of the interviewer (which i believe one of the bos in KL), he informed me that I got the job...(Yeay???) I suppose to be happy...but then, my fear came flashing right infront of my eyes the moment he told me that I will be based in one of the company's outlet in KL. Baffle I must say..I know I should have sound excited while on the phone, but I was...not...

Because I was shock about it...I was hoping that I didn't get it ever since I finish the interview...but then I nailed it...I haven't discuss with my parents. I don't want to assume how they will react...I just leave it when I finally discuss with them.

I still am really shock..I was not fully ready for it and the fact that it's working out of my hometown...that's pretty hardcore I must say because I have to learn how to really live on my own, how to manage my financial, how to manage my time and so much more..I really am kinda torn on which to decide...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The telephone service provider

Hello The Telephone Service Provider,

You promised me many things, you promised me that you provide the lowest cost of SMS, MMS, Internet, and Call rate. You claim that you are the hottest and the most in-thing telephone service provider in the country...You sponsor many event, I see you everywhere, on the TV, on the Radio, the Billboard, Busses, Cars, EVERYWHERE FOR GOD SAKE!!!!

But why are you still sucky??? YOU SUCK BIG TIME YOU MONEY-SUCKER!!!! You think your rate is the cheapest, but the next time I check my balance, it's suddenly drop like HOMAIIIIGGGGOOOOOODDDDD!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

Then I lodge complaint about how I always unable to make any call nor even sent/receive any text...YOU LISTEN HERE BASTARD!! It's not only me!!! many people who also use Maxis face the same problem!!! Y U NO FIX THE PROBLEM???!!!!

Saitan!!!! palui!!! Babi!!!!

Oh yeah! I am really dissappointed and mad at you MAXIS/HOTLINK!!!!
You better do something about it or I'll change to another service provider and yes...I'M FU***ING SERIOUS THIS TIME

P/s: Contohilah customer service Telekom Malaysia yang sentiasa peramah dan putting customer first and always right..

Your customer since 2004

Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Ramadhan...Marhaban ya Ramadhan! =)

I'm not gonna post much tonight as I will go to bed early as soon as I finish this (have to wake up early for meal before fajr)

As we all know it, and as what have been announced in the national in Malaysia, it is the time of the year once again that the Muslims welcome the Holy month of Ramadhan =)

I am personally happy that I am still able to welcome this month for this year with my family. Thank you Allah for still giving me the chance to live and experience all the good things that life have to offer me...Alhamdulillah =)

I hope that this holy month of Ramadhan for this year will give me the opening and 'Nur' in everything. I hope all the good deeds that I do for this month will be blessed by Allah SWT and I hope that forgiveness will come my way. InsyaAllah =)

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you who stop by and read my blog (YES! YOU!!!!) have a wonderful month of Ramadhan, may we all be blessed by the Almighty. InsyaAllah.

That's it people...see ya next time! =)

P/s: Berubah menuju kebaikan...Itu yang terbaik =)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...Myself!!

Hello Myself,

I know how things has been really dreadful.
I know how things has been really out of hand.
I know how things has been really annoying.
I know how things didn't turn out to be the way that you have plan....

But always remember "As sobru minal iman"
"Sabar itu separuh daripada iman"
"Patience is a virtue"

Keep holding on, for gloomy days will turn into a good day
Keep your faith, for things that you have been working for will come true
Keep yourself up, for you will be able to do things and things will work out as planned.

Don't feel down, it will be very hard for you to get up
Don't be mad, for you may regret the words that you said while you mad someday
Don't yell, for people will turn away from you
Don't forget to smile and remember the good times, it will keep yourself happy and your heart bloom with lots of love

Remember, you are someone who are very passionate and patient...
awak seorang yang sangat bersungguh-sungguh dan sangat penyabar...
Remember...You just have to believe.

P/s: Sorry


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...Malaysian Football Team!!!

Hello Malaysian Football Team!!!

I don't want to say it, but I can't help KINDA SUCK tonight...especially on the 1st half of the game.
What happen to you on the 1st half? were you guys sleeping? or you guys still can't believe that you guys manage to score when the game just started? C'mon...a goal score as early at the 28 seconds of the game does not determine that it will last until the 90 minutes...the game is 90 minutes, not 28 seconds for God sake. It's not about how fast you can score, it's all about how many goals can you get for the whole 90 minutes.
I hope, next time, you will be more focused that even if you score first, you don't over-celebrate it and feel safe with it. I mean it's okay if you guys feel great that you manage to shake them first before they do, but please....KEEP THE MOMENTUM...

I really hope that you will score more on this coming 28th...You guys are playing back at the advantage should be more on you...I mean, if the unreal football field that you played on tonight is the reason why you can't really perform, please take the opportunity to redeem it back on this guys will be playing on a real football field!!!

And I really hope that you guys will make it through on 28th...please don't break the hearts of many Malaysian (including me!!!) that are rooting for you guys because we are one step closer to be in World Cup Brazil 2014...Who knows, if previously in world cup, I usually cheers for Germany, it would be great if I could cheer for my own country for the next World Cup...

Please Malaysian Football Team, Malaysian REALLY ROOTING FOR YOU!!!

P/s: Hitam Kuning, Hitam Kuning!!! GO TIGERS!!!!!

The Fan of Malaysian Football Team

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant!!

Hello The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant,

I think you are outrages and I think you only think about yourself without even considering the background and where I come from.
I think you won't even know where Malaysia is even if I tell you which makes you simply stupid. You talk about how that 3 words statement is racist when you don't even know the background of Malaysia and the neighboring country..SHAME ON YOU!

The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant, if racism is not really a problem in the place where you comes from, surely that 3 words is not intended to be racist.
I think that The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant are just plain stupid and palui that they think only their continent exist on this planet earth, and they think their continent are the biggest...well guess what, ours are bigger, and population are more than you could imagine.

And yet, you still think that statement was made on the base of racism when I write it based on fact that even though I have some spanish blood running through my veins, considering the place that I come from, it's not impossible that not many people speak good Spanish in my country.

That is why, I think that The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant are just stupid, live in a small world, and never really interact with someone else out of where they comes from...and I feel pity for The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant...

That 3 words statement was never intended to be racist or ignorant. It was made on a neutral ground..but if The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant think so, I feel sorry for them for failing to get into the idea and all I can say is...but even if someone feels that it sounds racist (and still don't get the idea), I'm sorry if it next time, try to be more open and interact with more people.

Thank you

P/s: Saya benci org palui yg mengomen di post saya tanpa pikir betul2 dan hanya fikir pasal diri sendiri..Palui berabis ba jomo me'eh eh..patut nu kam eko bana bala..

-I no racist-

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-Work!!!

Hello The-Work,

So, we say goodbye at 5pm...

well...we gonna see each other again at 8am tomorrow..
I can't wait to finish you....

P/s: You make me sick since last week I haven't got proper rest


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-Head!!

Dear The-Head,

Not that I'm referring to the body part...but I am referring to the one in-charge.
YES!!! YOU!!!
Please do your work with all you heart and soul. There's a reason why people choose you to be The-Head, it's a responsibility, because people trust you, people believe that you can do it, people believe that you can lead. Please don't go breaking the heart out by not doing things that you suppose to do and things that you already promised to the one at the bottom. Your existence on the upper level is because of those who gather their trust and push you up.
Please don't say that you can do it when we know that you CAN'T. It's pure logic...people can tell if you can or CAN'T do it. Please don't be so ego by saying that you can do all...we understand that you are also a human being of which their capability are somehow limited, we understand, nobody is perfect...but if you do your work and delegate task accordingly, things would not messed-up pretty bad as now, while now, we are the one who have to cover all the mess that you have created in the past.
Please...remember your root...because if you don't, we will not hesitate to bring you down and YES WE WILL!!!

P/s: YOU SUCK!!!!


Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...You!!

Hello You,

It have been a VERY long time I haven't posted anything here...
nothing much to post...nothing much to talk about...
well, practically I do...
but, I'm afraid if I post whatever I wanted to say at the end of the day, without considering the feelings of other people, I might eventually hurt them.
I do realize that I can be TOO direct when I am pissed off or upset. I apologize for that...It's my nature.

So, in that just gave me an idea =)
I will still keep blogging in a way that I make the identity TOO subtle that no one else could really tell it...well, even if they do, that's not the point. The point is, I'm gonna make it somehow general...

Okay...that's it....I'm off to bed, I still don't feel well...but before that, I'm gonna eat because I'm fasting tomorrow...
Have a good day people =)


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ten-10: How to be less addicted to FACEBOOK

1st Ten-10 Series on How to be less addicted to FACEBOOK

1.    Work from 8am-5pm. Work with a company that deny any access to any social network websites.
2.    While at work, DO your seriously! 
3.    During lunch time, feed yourself...hunt for food
4.    Don't forget to pray
5.    After 5pm, tell yourself to go out and jog in the park..or maybe sign-up for any walk-in aerobic class. Work yourself really hard that you even sweat like a pig.
6.    After aerobic class, go back home and do some laundry, iron the clothes that you plan to wear to work tomorrow morning, have dinner..Oh! don't forget to get a nice cold shower..
7.    Online to check for some notification...although there's a lot of games invite and request, the fact that you are so tired will make you skip whatever games request you received. 
8.    Don't frequently update your makes other people comment and when they do, you gonna start to tell them story that at the end of the day, the comments doesn't have anything to do with the status update. Make people wonder why you are now less updating your status..less is more...
9.    Don't think too much of what other people update on their status. Only read status that seems to be interesting and only from those who always on Facebook with you, those who are close to you..YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THE LIFE OF EVERYONE.
10. Start farming, and keep pet for real...not in some games.

This is what I did basically these days that eventually makes me only online at night during weekdays only for few hours. Don't believe me? Try it yourself~

*As seen on Tumblr*