Friday, October 21, 2011

If you have a camera...

Look at this camera..

Cool huh?

And this one too..

Well, this one is not that bad..


As long as all these gadgets can capture any picture and even record some event.

Going back to history, who actually invented camera? I am not that sure as well, but as far as I know, it was in 1839, where a Frenchman Louis Daguerre invented the first camera. The Daguerreotype, a metal plate coated with silver iodide, was exposed to light through a small hole in the camera.

Now, I am sure some are familiar with how does the camera looks like WAY back before:

and I am pretty sure that some of you even saw it once or twice on the old movie on how do the ancient camera being use. *Watch Titanic and you will see that the flash are way too shinny*

For me, the invention of camera is a revolution, it's just like the invention of light bulb; both of these items really change the way we live now, i.e; we have lights at night, and we can capture every moment that we want to capture and save it for memories.

I mean, look at what the camera do to us, even if we never been to France, we still can see the Eiffel Tower, we never been to the Niagra Fall, but we able to see and somehow imagine how it feels like being there..isn't it JUST AMAZING??!!!!

Now, the reason that I post this is not to mumbling about camera..*I know it will be pretty lame if I spend the next 5 minutes of you reading aimless post*

I admit that I am an internet addict and sometimes I spend hours watching videos on YOUTUBE or just looking at some pictures..I love them; you know, pictures with people in it smiling and having a good time with their loved ones. It's just amazing that these days, people are now able to capture that sweet moment using good camera. I mean, come on, admit it, how many of you actually wanted or already have DSLR? I think 5 out of 10 people that I know OWN one. *And I have to say that I am impress since you are in possession of something that when you make good use of it, you may able to capture pictures that may just make someone else touched*

But here's the thing...actually, it's bugging me. Like SERIOUSLY.

You do realize that when there are any interesting pictures being shared on Facebook and especially when the picture have the "advising" element in it, other people feel OBLIGE to share it.
You see, it's not that I am condemning the act of sharing. It's just that whatever being posted are somehow at some point seems inappropriate.

Recently, the world of Facebook are being shaken by this amateur video of a 2 y/o girl that are being ran over TWICE by vehicle in China and nobody help her.
You know what is the sad thing? It's not really the little girl being ran over twice, but it's the act of posting the video on any social network. I know other people may bash me because I says so. But I have my own reason.
By just reading the description, I know how awful that is and it's sickening. I never saw the video because for me, knowing that this kind of thing actually happen is enough. I was actually pissed that nobody help her. But I ran into some article today saying that, in China, when you help other people who are facing trouble for example; an old woman fell on stairs and you happen to be there and you help her. When you help other people, you will as well be obliged to bear whatever cost occurred due from the mishap. And things could turn out really bad when the relative of the person that you help accuse you for being the one who cause that injury. That's why in that video, the vehicle driver did not stop his vehicle and help her, instead, he was hoping that she would just die because apparently, the cost of compensation is not as much as the cost of treating the injured person.

Sick isn't it? Yes! IT IS!

Where is the humanity in China?

Now, going back to the topic.

It just bugs me big time that people have the time to capture the video and just let the little girl being ran over. For GOD sake, it's a human life which is irreplaceable once it's gone, but other people run to get their camera and record it? FCK how the rules goes in China, just run and help the helpless little girl, not run to get the camera and record it!!!! 

Now, fine...since there's nothing that we can do now as the video turn viral in a blink of an eye. I was thinking, why people even have the heart to re-post it?

Of course by the moment that the video went viral, the little girl is still alive although her life is hanging by a thread. Few hours ago, I just read that the little girl passed away *May she rest in peace*. But I don't know, who are the culprit behind those pictures of her which is taken while she was in treatment. Yes, it's sad but here's the thing...*allow me to mix my next statement in Malay*
I still remember that we are being thought that kita tak sepatutnya mengaibkan seseorang itu apabila orang tersebut telah meninggal dunia. Tak kira la betapa jahat perangai orang yang meninggal dunia tu semasa hidup, tapi tak baik kita nak aibkan orang. Dan tak kira juga betapa teruk kemalangan atau musibah yang dihadapi oleh seseorang itu sehingga menyebabkan kematiannya, kita tetap tak boleh aibkan seseorang itu setelah nyawa terpisah dari tubuh. Cuba bayangkan anda di posisi mereka yang sedang bertarung nyawa, bila masa mereka melihat dunia dari pandangan di mana orang lain tidak dapat melihat mereka, tetapi mereka dapat melihat setiap apa perbuatan orang lain itu terhadap jasad mereka. Cuba bayangkan, apa perasaan anda?



Tak tau mana nak letak muka?




Yes, all of that and maybe some more. I understand that the video or pictures are being posted sebagai peringatan pada semua, supaya benda yang sama tak akan berulang, supaya orang lain mengambil ikhtibar, supaya kita semua akan menjadi manusia yang terbaik dan berperikemanusiaan. Tapi, tak kan la menggunakan the exact photo? I still remember that I used to read lots of scary article without pictures, but still, it gives me goosebumps.

Why can't people describe what happen to the little girl (Yue Yue) by words only? Are they afraid that words won't be effective and people will just say its' exaggerating? that they need to publish real picture? For the love of humanity, IF YOU PITY THAT LITTLE GIRL, STOP POSTING THAT PICTURE BECAUSE SHE MAY NOT REST IN PEACE. If you're thinking about posting her picture in ICU with your caption saying "Rest in peace", You better stop whatever you are doing because you are not wishing her to rest in peace because you post that bloody picture. Stop being hypocritical.

For those with camera, just take nice picture...a good picture is not enough because taking a picture of babies being cut off, human being burnt to death is still considered good as long as it has good lighting #justsaying. Please take nice picture, when I said nice picture, it means picture whereby the people in it is still alive and happily smiling and laughing and having a good time. Why take sad picture when you capturing it for memories? Isn't it that we want to get rid of the bad memories? I don't know how people see things these days. But for me, looking at nice picture makes me happy.

So, if you have a camera, you are obliged to take picture that can make other people touched. You are an artiste. And if you happen to possess a disturbing picture like you name it, I hope you will not simply post it and I hope you are being responsible.

I guess that's it...
You people have a great weekend and take lots of nice picture.


P/s: Segala yang baik datang dari Allah S.W.T, segala yang buruk datang dari kelemahan diri saya sendiri. Wallahualam.

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