Sunday, November 20, 2011

Le tagged

  1. You must post these rules.
  2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
  3. .Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
  4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
  6. No tagging back!
  7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

  1. I love chocolate and pudding
  2. I'm single and still searching but not rushing because I'm picky >:)
  3. I am a south-paw (left-handed) person
  4. I cannot sit still and I always tend to keep myself busy
  5. I can't appropriately pronounce the word "R".
  6. I easily get inspired.
  7. I hate people who dump babies, and people who torture animals for fun...I truly hate them with all my heart and souls. 
  8. I speak to my cat *meow* 
  9. I sleep like a baby
  10. I love travelling .
  11. I buy my first iPod Nano with my own pocket money! =)

Questions from Miss Alia BEE! =)

1. What is your favorite color? Why?
Tough question I must say because I love many colors. But I must have Blue is the color (CHELSEA BABEY!!!)

2. What is your all time favorite song?
Mama by Spice Girls

3. Facebook? or Twitter?
Both! I facebook just for fun, and I Tweet random stuff 

4. Who is your alter-ego?

5. What is your hidden talent/s?
Baking cakes, acting *wink*

6. Public speaking? or debating?
I used to public-speaking in high-school, but I find debating is more fun since I got to POI and argue with people. Been in debate club since 2005. FTW!

7. A picture of you when you were a kid.
Le 2 y/o me celebrating le birthday
8. Do you like your name?
Yes I do

9. What is your dream house? Why?
MY dream house is the Little Brown House by the Sea because I want to enjoy the ocean breeze with my loved ones

10. YM? or MSN? or SKYPE?

11. Do you love/like me? Why? ehee
I, I , I love you like a love song baby~ hahaha~ Of course I love you Yaya, u're like my siblings to me..You're part of the debate family that I love so much <3

1. Do you watch football? What's your team?
2. Do you think that Facebook will face the same fate as Friendster and Myspace did?
3. Why do you blog?
4. What makes you hit the "LIKE" button on Facebook?
5. What is your favorite movie/s of all time?
6. Where is your phone as you are blogging this?
7. A picture from your last birthday.
8. Where is the poop?
9. What is in your handbag/bag?
10. Do you have any of Dashboard Confessional's song in your playlist?
11. Do you love/like me? Why? ehee

1. Sandra 
2. Irving
3. Arif Jamal
4. Nad
5. Ayuni
6. Afiq Zubir
7. Tom Rungitom
8. Misha Mulio
9. Norliana
10. Yuq
11. Ooney



What say you??~