Monday, September 19, 2011

Considerations and the merits of a piece of advice

Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, salam 1Malaysia =D

Hey Yo!~
So, I buat 2 post pada jangka masa tak sampai 24 achievement I must say in the effort of making me a rigid blogger...*maybe~*

Ok, entry kali ni takde la nak bebel panjang...nak masuk tido kejap lagi kot...nak bgun awal da, tak nak lambat..*insaf~*

Okay, it's not that I'm condoning anyone in this's just a thought that came across my mind *although it happens in real life of mine, but still, I am not condemning anyone* 
For me, advise is the most precious thing in this world one could ever obtain. It's not easy obtaining it and it is 10 times harder giving it if one don't have the ample experience to actually giving the advise full-heartedly.
I admit that I am not perfect, but I am trying to be a better person than I was yesterday. Giving advise is something that I somehow fear because it involve the judgement of oneself and in the end, resulting to certain action due to the advise that we gave. Hence, in terms of giving advise, I always don't give the solution to others, instead I lead them to finding the solution by their own; whether they know it or not.

But what happens when we already have the experience, we know what things needed to be done, what should we do, and what are the remedies when things goes wrong, but the person that we gave the advise won't listen to it and still stick to what they believe in although we know there are still yet another better solution. Honestly, it is heartbreaking for me...when someone won't even think or consider the thought that we gave. And when things just go wrong, they blame us for whatever happens and for not lending the hands or idea to help. Irritating isn't it? yeah...I know...That is why, when I am done giving the advise, and the person that I'm advising just won't listen, I just let them...besides, every sane human being are gifted with brain to think and I believe that whatever decision that we make and think of, it is guided by Allah SWT.

There...I said it...I will not condemning..I am just wishing the best in life in whatever decision that people have made after I gave them the advise. I just hope that they remember for whatever happen, happen for a reason, and there's blessing in disguise. I hope, no one ever question the destiny that they have to face to because, no matter what religion that you are practicing, we all believe that there will be a better day after a hard stormy day. Besides, it is God's way of revealing to us the mystery of's just so wonderful and exploration is the best in understanding the value of life.

May God bless all of us.

Thanks for reading...See you soon! =)

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