Sunday, September 25, 2011

That link you gave for me to open (it's a scary picture and some possessed girl screaming as the background


How are you readers?
I hope everyone is doing great.

Here's a thing that I would like to share this time.

You know that link that some people *especially guys* often give their friends *especially girls*...they gave the link to their friends in hope that their friends will check it out...Yes, for people who "Meh~ I don't give a damn about this", they may just ignore it. But what happen when the people happen to be someone who take whatever bloody link that the other people gave seriously?

Call me dumb or what, but blame the people that gave me the link...because apparently those people who gave me the link are my prep class student...and perhaps they need clarification on certain thing in their subject and stuff like that. So, that one fateful night, this one kid, he gave me the link in my Facebook inbox:

So, I open in *since he said that it's their class's picture*...
But BLOODY HELL!!!! It startled me with the screaming of a girl...I'm lucky enough that I didn't see the picture since I was browsing other page when I was waiting for that bloody link to open.

And...few days later...the friend of the "troll" up there did the same thing:

This retarded act really sickening immature of you fella!
Hence, I am here to write a hate post about you people out there who like to scare girls with a link to scary stuff at night

Not-so Dear  people out there who like to scare girls with a link to scary stuff at night,
I do get your joke..I seriously get your bloody lame joke..some credit to you for trying your best to be in the next "Raja Lawak". But seriously? is that the best that you can do? *pffffttT* even my nephew can do better joke than that. And you think it's funny to laugh at a girl after scaring them off? here's the thing, I don't find it funny...I find it fucking retarded and fucking immature. If you do that to the girl that you like, then you're gonna be FOREVER ALONE knowing the fact that you made the girl of your dream hate you for the next lifetime. As for me, bear in mind that I will remember this stupid thing that you did until the day that I'm gone. Oh yes I did forgive your sick act, but I will never forget...someday, you will know that life's a bitch and you will think back on the bad things that you did in the past including scaring a girl at night. I hope you understand that I truly hate what you did. I hope that you will grow up and when you finally grow up, I hope you think back on how stupid was your act. Such a shame you made someone who wanted to help you feels so irritated with you..I truly am. And get this straight, the next time you see me, I'm gonna sneer at you and I will make sure that you will feel bad. I have nothing else to say because if I do, I will only gonna curse you...So with that, YOU enjoy your fun while it last..

Yes, you may feel that I made a big deal out of this *So what???!!!!* If you do, you can now point your mouse to the "X" on top of this window and close this.

I SANGAT benci dengan manusia-manusia yang macam ni...Korg ingat korg tu hebat sgt la? *da la bagi link pun mmg da terang2 tulis exorcist...nak kata palui boleh???* Korg takde keje lain ke nak buat..kalo takde pun, baik p tido la weyh! memanjang je I tgk status kata mengantuk la, lapar la, bosan la...obvious sgt korg mcm takde life nak appreciate kan! Daripada korg scaring girls camtu, baik korg p buat benda yg bagus, yang berfaedah...korg pedajal girls camtu, free-free korg kena sumpah...korg igt sikit, hidup ni mcm roda, sentiasa berputar, sekejap kat atas, kejap lg kat bawah...I tak nak la kata apa-apa...Tuhan je la balas perbuatan korg yg takde maknanya tu~

Ok..sekian rants yang terbuku sejak minggu lepas pada malam ni...semoga lain kali takde benda yang menyakitkan hati.

Selamat malam...PEACE!

P/s: Good luck la ye pada yg da dok finals tu...pada yg buat jahat tu, cepat2 la insaf, cepat2 minta maaf...kang result hampeh baru korg tau tingginya langit tu.

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