Friday, September 16, 2011

Pembuangan sekali lagi


So, agak lama la jugak I tak on9..bukan apa la...bajet nak kata busy memanjang, da abis study, da takde nak pening kepala dok menghadap assignment and study tiap-tiap malam sampai ke subuh...nak kata I busy ngan keja...well, keja aku kat ofis tu, setakat buat report ntah apa2...lgpun next month I will be jobless since contract da abis kot...lagipun next month will be my convocation!!! Whee~ (So, sila tunggu...)

Oh, apa yg I ckp kat atas tu takde kena mengena dengan tajuk besar tu...

Nak dijadikan cerita yang kait mengait ngan tajuk besar tu...well, I mentioned that it has been a while I'm not on9 fact, when I do, only for some time, checking emails, commenting on some post, reading some news...(well, who cares anyway). Ni perangai mula malas on9 ni mula develop time bulan puasa baru-baru la, I dok keja, kat ofis walaupun facebook tak kena sekat, tapi tak ble main game (so, because of that, I don't care anymore on what happen to my farm and my city in facebook...mehaha~) 

So, dipendekkan cite lg la (since I da nak masuk tido)
well, kan facebook skg ni, if you view the wall post and commenting on it until it reach 200++ comment between u and the other 2-3 friends, kat tepi sebelah kanan tu kan ada kira mcm memory flashback la konon on what did you post last year and last 2 years ago punya status...Honestly, I suka baca balik my status tu =3

Then, there is this status that I think I post last year. Then sorg "kwn" tu comment...then yang I pelik, kat tepi nama dia tu ada kata "2 mutual friend".
So I naik pelik, I click la "kwn" tu punya profile.

Dia UNFRIEND I kat facebook!!!

Ni bukan first time dia buat camtu...dulu pun dia buat sampai I ingat dia da sudi nak kawan dengan I, yg dia ni ada kehidupan sendiri, yg I tak perlu kacau dia lg....bla bla bla (insert any sulking sentence)
So, that 1st time si "kwn" tu buat camtu...I biar la...I ni pompuan...agak senang menangis kalau la kawan mana-mana tujukan kata-kata kesat...So, I da tak contact si kawan tu ntah brapa bulan lamanya. la, kita tak tau kan ketentuan Tuhan. There is this one day I jalan-jalan kat downtown Shah Alam dengan member time tu ada debate tournament, so malam tu free kitorg ronda-ronda la konon...time nak kuar dari tmpt tu...ASTAGFIRULLAALAZIM!!! SUBHANALLAH!!! Kecik sungguh dunia ni Ya Allah...boleh2 I TERjumpa si kawan. So, I tegur mcm biasa, tak nak la tunjuk yg I kecik hati serius cara I layan dia time tu tak seperti diri I yg biasa. Then I said goodbye. I tak bagi tgl nombor fon I kat si kawan tu...cuz I just blah. Then time OTW balik to our kawan msg (tak sangka pulak dia simpan lg konon my number)...I balas cam biasa...last-last I fire dia jgk la sbb unfriend kat facebook. Lagi tak ble blah, dia plak tuduh kata I yg unfriend (ntah sengal tahap berapa =.="). KEPADA KAWAN-KAWAN YANG BERADA DALAM FRIEND LIST KAT FACEBOOK, KORG INGAT NI BAIK-BAIK WALAUPUN KORG ATAU I YANG DA TAKDE KAT DUNIA NI, I TAK KAN PERNAH UNFRIEND MANA-MANA KAWAN I KAT FACEBOOK TU...SEKALI I ANGGAP KAWAN, SAMPAI BILA-BILA I SAYANG. I TAK SUKA PUTUSKAN SILATURAHIM.

Ok, tu cite (sebelum CAPS LOCK) tu adalah cerita tahun lepas. Ni nak cite tahun ni...I've mentioned that si kawan tu unfriend I lagi....I baru sedar malam ni sebab sejak dua menjak ni I malas buka facebook, so malam ni I bukak I jalan2 kat profile org. 

I tak harap sangat la si kawan tu baca entry kali ni...semoga la dia takde link to my blog. Kalo ada pun, baik dia lupakan je la...kalo dia baca, I think okay kot, bagi dia sedar banyak (bukan sikit okay). Ni yang I nak cakap kat si kawan:

Kehadapan si kawan,
Kenapa buat I macam tu lagi? I thought I made it clear that I am a woman of my word. When I told and threat you if you don't add me that night, I will not add you EVER. I am serious. And I thought I told you that if you ever unfriend me again, I will not add you again EVER. I gave you the second chance, I always believe that giving people the second chance is better because people don't want the history to repeat itself. But indeed you did, you repeat the history. You deleted me again and I don't know why. I am really disappointed I could cry. I am sad. Just sad. I geleng kepala bila tau u delete I lagi. I tak suka. I don't like this. I don't want friendship to abruptly ended by one-sided without any valid reason. 
But it happens...there's nothing you can do to undo the damage. Clicking the "Add as friend" button won't heal the wound, not in the past, and definitely not now because even if you do, I will just ignore because there's no 3rd chance given to anyone else whoever treat me bad in the past. This is the reason why I do this entry, to remind myself not to give you the 3rd chance. 
I'm sorry, but I can't give you the chance anymore. Hence, I wish you well, I wish you have a good life, I wish you going through a good life. I am wishing you all the best.
And in the name of Allah the Almighty, I forgive you even though what you did was really hurtful to me, but time will heal. InsyaAllah.
Good Luck!

Okay...tu je I nak ckp mlm ni. Tapi seriously, I memang kecewa. InsyaAllah, esok pagi lepas I da tido dengan nyenyak, I okay kot.

Ok. See ya!

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