Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-Head!!

Dear The-Head,

Not that I'm referring to the body part...but I am referring to the one in-charge.
YES!!! YOU!!!
Please do your work with all you heart and soul. There's a reason why people choose you to be The-Head, it's a responsibility, because people trust you, people believe that you can do it, people believe that you can lead. Please don't go breaking the heart out by not doing things that you suppose to do and things that you already promised to the one at the bottom. Your existence on the upper level is because of those who gather their trust and push you up.
Please don't say that you can do it when we know that you CAN'T. It's pure logic...people can tell if you can or CAN'T do it. Please don't be so ego by saying that you can do all...we understand that you are also a human being of which their capability are somehow limited, we understand, nobody is perfect...but if you do your work and delegate task accordingly, things would not messed-up pretty bad as now, while now, we are the one who have to cover all the mess that you have created in the past.
Please...remember your root...because if you don't, we will not hesitate to bring you down and YES WE WILL!!!

P/s: YOU SUCK!!!!


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