Saturday, November 21, 2009

"You gonna keep wondering" Post

I've been into a lot of thinking about everything....well, at least almost, politic, economic, and so much more...that even at some point, I feel so tired of thinking that I just wanna shut down my brain for a while...
Thinking is good...*at least that is what I think* see! that is what I'm talking about...even while writing this post, I am still thinking. -.-
I think about a lot! So many shit and only God know how I feel when I'm thinking.
You see, shit happen...we cannot avoid it. It just happen. Even though we opt to run away from shit to happen on us, but then, people around you just simply crap out their shit, and there you go...SHIT HAPPEN!
I just don't know why life become harder for people who appreciate life even more, while for those who take life for granted doesn't even face any hardship? Or is it just me who says that they don't face shit because I'm not in their shoes....I don't know.

What I want in life is a pure HAPPINESS...that will last long and never be taken away from me by any circumstances. The reason that I act the way that I do, being the girl who laugh and smile all the time to anyone even on my own gloomy days is because I believe that when we give something to others, something even better will happen to us. I take life in a very positive manner. SHIT really happen...Right now, I am facing shit that really can make me burst down crying silently in the middle of the night and only God knows how tormented I felt. What is happening to life these days?
The reason that I have been too forgiving all this while even when people do me bad, treat me in the very worst way that anyone could possibly do is because I don't want the feeling of LOVE to fade away from my heart. I always believe, when we start to hate a single soul, eventually, there will be no room to love another because it will be haunted by the shadow of hatred. 

Am I letting myself being vulnerable to bad people out there with the way that I am?
Am I being too soft?
Am I being to forgiving?
Am I being too friendly?
Am I being too concern to others?
Am I being selfish to myself that I only want to please others so much that I forget about pleasing my ownself??
Am I being too dumb??


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