Thursday, November 5, 2009

5th November Post

It's November and December is fast-approaching in less than 30 days...WAHAHAHA~~I LOVE DECEMBER~~ December is my favorite month due to many reason which i will post when December finally here...for now, lets stick to talk about what's going on with this November.

Since 1st November, I haven't really got stuff to do...just hibernating at home, doing so many revision for my final exams. For some, they already started their final exams since 26th October...but mine was 1 week later...XD because my 1st paper for this semester only starts at 5th (which is today).

well, to start it all, well...lets talk about 4th November. On this day, i find myself feeling so not into revision but by hook or by crook i had to push myself. so, what i did was, i study and watch TITANIC on my laptop at the same time *Genius huh?* haha~ Gotta admit, it helps me study...but i gotta admit as well, almost the end of the movie, i start to pay all of my attention to it and end up crying (*yeah yeah...i'm a girl...what do u expect???-.-*). After watching Titanic, i was inspired for something in my life, something that i used to find hard to decide...but then, decision made...*Let it remain only me know what is it :)* so, since i get hooked again with TITANIC, i started downloading all of it's soundtrack (only the instrumental one and mostly by James Horner)...To be honest, it gives me the peace in mind for the thing that i have decided which only needed to be blurted out with a heart-to-heart conversation with my BFF, HASLINA HASHIM~ (If u know what i mean~)

then, i end my 4th November by chatting for a while with some of friends and end it before midnight because i aimed to wake up early and continue with my revision and stuff...Yes, i did wake up early...but then i went back to sleep again XD
But then, i wake up at 7.50am, head to the kitchen, brew myself some coffee, grab some of the 'goreng cempedak' my mum made and head to the room and continue studying some more.

While studying, suddenly my phone rings the 'Saint and Sailor' songs by Dashboard's an unknown number from KL which i seems find unfamiliar with. If it was my brother, then i should have recognize his office phone number since he used to call me using his office phone as my curiousity, i picked it up anyway.

It was the on-phone survey by TM...apparently, they have the record of my phone number since i gave them every time i call 100 and they require confirmation. So, this lady on the other line of the phone introduce herself as 1 of the people in TM and they are currently doing this phone survey with customer like me ( i think customer like me who lodge complaint too much XD) i gave the rating to whatever question she asked was only 3 questions. then i give them suggestion, tell them what what's the problem with the connection at my house why it happen and the best~ I told her that 1 of the technician that entertain me kinda have bad attitude...huh~ >_< just like what i used to had during this 1 time that i call them and this fella talk as if not giving me the chance to speak (what? is he catching any plane? -.-')

After I hung up, i smile to myself and find that it was too ironic. my paper for today is MARKETING RESEARCH. For the past 3 months, i've been conducting research and been exposed to phone-survey, been discussing and brain-storming on the pros and cons for any data collection method and one of it is phone-survey...glad i got the experience now with phone-survey *yeah~ something that i can brag about after this XD*

So, fast's time to go to sit for my first paper...kinda excited to get over it but kinda creepy at the same time...tons of assumptions rushing in my brain.."what if i cannot answer it??" "what if what i read never came out" "ouh, questions about literature review is quite famous, maybe it will come out again" "is it confirm that my papers will be in the gym??" "GahhH~~ will the rain stops??" many question marks...even the one that doesn't have anything to do with my paper this evening XD...
As i arrived, i see only a single soul whom i find not familiar with..i grab some of my stuff and got out of the car, searching for the soul of the known-one. Then i find 3 of my classmates and we start sit at this round table and do our final revision.

*This 1st pix is the pix of those who are too eager to enter the exam hall*

*This 2nd pix is me b4 entering the exam hall...see how almost disoriented am i 0.o*

About 40minutes later, the Head Invigilator call upon us and there we go...sitting in the exam hall waiting for 2.15pm.
I cite some prayers, asking for the Almighty Allah to make it easier for me to answer this paper..

As soon as 2.15pm strike...i flip those questions paper...Whoa~ kinda tough...but i was squeezing my brain real hard...i find only 3 questions that i can 'goreng', the other 3 is making me feel retarded 0.o
so i flip coins and decide to answer question 1,2,3, and 4...and the rest is history...will talk about it when the result finally out 0.o

So now, i'm at home, ready to prepare myself for my next paper on the 8th and 11th...i will post more after 11th because i cannot really spare my time on writing for this moment because i have 2 exams to sit for on 11th (one in the morning and one in the evening)...I AM SURELY MENGGORENG DENGAN JAYANYA LAGI >_<

so, anyway...i'll post later...
In the mean time, stay healthy, wealthy and young~
Keep Smiling and Keep Giving :)

MissAwesome signing OFF!~


What say you??~