Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Bila masa pulak aku convo nie???" Post

Yup, sounds retard as it is...
The day is 25th November...the night before, my mum approached me in my room while I was reading some stuff...The conversation goes something like this:
Mum: Ija, bisuk ko ada program? ko ganti Linda amik sijil dia...ada convo dia bisuk. Linda tidak dpt dtg, dia ada exam
Me: Huh? Jadi naik pentas la aku tu?
Mum: Iya, pakai jubah lg
 *then my eyes goes on like this O_O*
Me: Tapi tiada la kawan aku tu....mana aku biasa tu...ish, malu aku
Mum: Ala~ ada jgk kak nani. Pegi la...mkn free...
Me: Di mana la kunun?
Mum: The Palace Hotel
 *I'm doing the thinking gesture*
Me: Bah, iya la...mama kasi bangun jak aku awal bisuk...kekekeke~

 There you go~
Here's the background on why suddenly I am being offered with this.
Well, early lat year (2008....I think XD), My sister enroll in this sewing courses and somehow selected to undergo the more advance level in sewing which is conducted by MELLIA which started early this year (2009...I know, get urself confuse huh? :P)
So, Currently, my sister is doing her KPLI and happen to be on the 25th November, she had to sit for an exam and therefore, she can't attend this convocation. Not only her, but also there is this 1 girl who is currently enrolling in the more advanced level in Perak. So, they had to find 1 more substitutes and happen to be that I have nothing else to do *Durh~ semester break ok~*

So, when the morning comes, I woke up early...even before my alarm clocks start yelling at me...*Aisehmen~*
Get myself ready, had breakfast...yada yada yada~ and there I go, waiting for my my surprise, I was actually being punctual! My cousin promise me that we will make our move from my house at 8.10am and I was already stood there not far from her car waiting for her....HAHAHA~

As I arrive....whoa~ so many female wearing PINK! GahhHH!! kinda hurts my eyes...So, my cousin and I head to the venue of the convocation...I was actually stunned by how big their mirror was...see the picture below:

*I dunno the dude behind me*

We arrived there at about 9am and I thought we were late...But durh~ I think we are the early birds =.=
I was sitting on this couch outside the conference room and still tempted by those mirror...Damn~ How I wish the mirror in my house is as big as that!

After I got the robe, I followed my cousin to everywhere that she went...hahahahah~ I was really blur~ I got no friends and just sit quietly...So I took some pictures:        

So, the event start...I just do the walk and did my thing....The rest was damn excited =.=


After all got their cert, it's the 'Everybody's Pictures' session...and damn it! I was also in it! seriously, I have nothing to do with this...I only know how to jahit yg simple and some beads....but not like the rest of the women in there.


Then I decide...nak show off la sikit...alang2 da pakai robe, amik je la pic aku ngan robe ni...kekeke~

*Don't mind the hair please -.-*

Then we head for lunch...It was not as I expected...not bad...but ayam mayonis dia ada darah lg ni...eeeuuuuwwww~ Gross!~

After that, due to the fact that I actually don't have anything else to do the rest of the cousin bwk la sekali singgah kat mini Putrajaya next to UMS....dia ada hal sikit....Pergh~ ngantok siot! Siap aku ttido2 tunggu kat couch tu....KAKAKAKAKA~

Then, at about 4.30pm baru aku sampai umah....Had to rush to the room, turn on my lappy, call HEP and writing E-mail at the same time....Pretty hectic these days since the GSD and VC CUP is just around the corner and tak pasal2 aku da jd mcm pengurus...huh! Takpe la...for debate...I'll do anything..kekeke~

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~

P.s: Esok nak kena pegi HEP yo~ =.="

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