Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hate-Post Level 1 V1.0

I never proclaim that I have the perfect manner when it comes to answering the phone calls especially when it is from anonymous number. But at least I say 'Hi' or 'Hello'  and then ask properly who am I speaking to.
Now, here's a post I would like to share...kinda like a hate-post and especially goes out to the douche-bag who making life retarded out there.

Few days ago, I received this retarded phone calls...I don't have that number in my phone book so the number appear somehow unknown to my memory. So I picked up anyway due to the fact that many people call me up regarding debate thingy and stuff like that.

So, that douche-bag at the other line says that he knows me, he is my old friend and I ask him "Well, if you have a name, say it...if you really one of my old friend, of course I remember". But then, the douche-bag refused to say his name *what? is he some kind of Lord Voldemort whose name should not be mentioned? -.-*

And then that douche-bag mentioned about things that connected to me...For God sake, have you ever imagine how scary it can be? It's like you are being stalked by this fag! And then, that douche-bag hung up. But before he did, he said that he will call me later...Geez! that add up my trauma!

Ok, here's the thing...I never reveal this to the public...but I ever experience all of the things listed below:

  1. Another douche-bag from another anonymous number and act retarded and start making orgasm sound! *seriously, I was stunned and immediately hung up...but that douche-bag call again and do the same thing...I was like "WTF with this a**hole??" so I hung up again and then I turn off my cellphone for about 30 minutes..when I turn on my cellphone again..Geez! that douche-bag did called...*
  2. My friend who turns out to be trying to flirt me...F you!
  3. My friend who pull pranks on my...Damn you!
You see...I don't have problem with anonymous number. I mean, we cannot expect that we know every number that appear when someone make a phone call. It's not like we have ALL people's number. So, I put into my mind saying that when an anonymous number appear, I have to treat that phone call in a very formal manner.

But then, when some retarded douche-bag do stuff like I've mentioned above, right now, I'm thinking about considering the possibility that I will never gonna entertain any anonymous number that appear...meaning to say, I'm just gonna let it rings and stop by itself. If that person really need to talk with me, that person need to text me and identify themselves before I seriously entertain them. Seriously...I don't get it when people regard a phone call as a medium for some retarded act like that. 

And then, this also came across my mind. If let say, another different douche-bag do the same and I have to pick up anyway...well, I'm just gonna 'kelentong'.

I take phone calls's no joke to me and I REALLY MEAN IT! You see, people nowadays are spending most of their time with cellphone...while for cellphone is a medium for me to do my, I take all that phone calls seriously...

So, next time, whoever that get my number and wanna call me, it in a good manner...identify yourself so that I won't curse you when u hung up or even worst, when you are still talking...up to you..make it worst or make it better...

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~


  1. Hey that guy should get the Golden Douche-Bag award. What did you do to make them stalk you like that anyway?

  2. I swear...i didn't do anything...i just lead my way like an ordinary girl, in an ordinary life, with an ordinary lifestyle, with ordinary family...but still, these douche-bag stalk me...i just dunno what else to do -.-


What say you??~