Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Ramadhan...Marhaban ya Ramadhan! =)

I'm not gonna post much tonight as I will go to bed early as soon as I finish this (have to wake up early for meal before fajr)

As we all know it, and as what have been announced in the national in Malaysia, it is the time of the year once again that the Muslims welcome the Holy month of Ramadhan =)

I am personally happy that I am still able to welcome this month for this year with my family. Thank you Allah for still giving me the chance to live and experience all the good things that life have to offer me...Alhamdulillah =)

I hope that this holy month of Ramadhan for this year will give me the opening and 'Nur' in everything. I hope all the good deeds that I do for this month will be blessed by Allah SWT and I hope that forgiveness will come my way. InsyaAllah =)

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you who stop by and read my blog (YES! YOU!!!!) have a wonderful month of Ramadhan, may we all be blessed by the Almighty. InsyaAllah.

That's it people...see ya next time! =)

P/s: Berubah menuju kebaikan...Itu yang terbaik =)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...Myself!!

Hello Myself,

I know how things has been really dreadful.
I know how things has been really out of hand.
I know how things has been really annoying.
I know how things didn't turn out to be the way that you have plan....

But always remember "As sobru minal iman"
"Sabar itu separuh daripada iman"
"Patience is a virtue"

Keep holding on, for gloomy days will turn into a good day
Keep your faith, for things that you have been working for will come true
Keep yourself up, for you will be able to do things and things will work out as planned.

Don't feel down, it will be very hard for you to get up
Don't be mad, for you may regret the words that you said while you mad someday
Don't yell, for people will turn away from you
Don't forget to smile and remember the good times, it will keep yourself happy and your heart bloom with lots of love

Remember, you are someone who are very passionate and patient...
awak seorang yang sangat bersungguh-sungguh dan sangat penyabar...
Remember...You just have to believe.

P/s: Sorry


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...Malaysian Football Team!!!

Hello Malaysian Football Team!!!

I don't want to say it, but I can't help KINDA SUCK tonight...especially on the 1st half of the game.
What happen to you on the 1st half? were you guys sleeping? or you guys still can't believe that you guys manage to score when the game just started? C'mon...a goal score as early at the 28 seconds of the game does not determine that it will last until the 90 minutes...the game is 90 minutes, not 28 seconds for God sake. It's not about how fast you can score, it's all about how many goals can you get for the whole 90 minutes.
I hope, next time, you will be more focused that even if you score first, you don't over-celebrate it and feel safe with it. I mean it's okay if you guys feel great that you manage to shake them first before they do, but please....KEEP THE MOMENTUM...

I really hope that you will score more on this coming 28th...You guys are playing back at the advantage should be more on you...I mean, if the unreal football field that you played on tonight is the reason why you can't really perform, please take the opportunity to redeem it back on this guys will be playing on a real football field!!!

And I really hope that you guys will make it through on 28th...please don't break the hearts of many Malaysian (including me!!!) that are rooting for you guys because we are one step closer to be in World Cup Brazil 2014...Who knows, if previously in world cup, I usually cheers for Germany, it would be great if I could cheer for my own country for the next World Cup...

Please Malaysian Football Team, Malaysian REALLY ROOTING FOR YOU!!!

P/s: Hitam Kuning, Hitam Kuning!!! GO TIGERS!!!!!

The Fan of Malaysian Football Team

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant!!

Hello The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant,

I think you are outrages and I think you only think about yourself without even considering the background and where I come from.
I think you won't even know where Malaysia is even if I tell you which makes you simply stupid. You talk about how that 3 words statement is racist when you don't even know the background of Malaysia and the neighboring country..SHAME ON YOU!

The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant, if racism is not really a problem in the place where you comes from, surely that 3 words is not intended to be racist.
I think that The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant are just plain stupid and palui that they think only their continent exist on this planet earth, and they think their continent are the biggest...well guess what, ours are bigger, and population are more than you could imagine.

And yet, you still think that statement was made on the base of racism when I write it based on fact that even though I have some spanish blood running through my veins, considering the place that I come from, it's not impossible that not many people speak good Spanish in my country.

That is why, I think that The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant are just stupid, live in a small world, and never really interact with someone else out of where they comes from...and I feel pity for The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant...

That 3 words statement was never intended to be racist or ignorant. It was made on a neutral ground..but if The-People whom whenever I refer to such country, they think it sounds racist and ignorant think so, I feel sorry for them for failing to get into the idea and all I can say is...but even if someone feels that it sounds racist (and still don't get the idea), I'm sorry if it next time, try to be more open and interact with more people.

Thank you

P/s: Saya benci org palui yg mengomen di post saya tanpa pikir betul2 dan hanya fikir pasal diri sendiri..Palui berabis ba jomo me'eh eh..patut nu kam eko bana bala..

-I no racist-

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-Work!!!

Hello The-Work,

So, we say goodbye at 5pm...

well...we gonna see each other again at 8am tomorrow..
I can't wait to finish you....

P/s: You make me sick since last week I haven't got proper rest


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...The-Head!!

Dear The-Head,

Not that I'm referring to the body part...but I am referring to the one in-charge.
YES!!! YOU!!!
Please do your work with all you heart and soul. There's a reason why people choose you to be The-Head, it's a responsibility, because people trust you, people believe that you can do it, people believe that you can lead. Please don't go breaking the heart out by not doing things that you suppose to do and things that you already promised to the one at the bottom. Your existence on the upper level is because of those who gather their trust and push you up.
Please don't say that you can do it when we know that you CAN'T. It's pure logic...people can tell if you can or CAN'T do it. Please don't be so ego by saying that you can do all...we understand that you are also a human being of which their capability are somehow limited, we understand, nobody is perfect...but if you do your work and delegate task accordingly, things would not messed-up pretty bad as now, while now, we are the one who have to cover all the mess that you have created in the past.
Please...remember your root...because if you don't, we will not hesitate to bring you down and YES WE WILL!!!

P/s: YOU SUCK!!!!


Sky-Glimpse!! Entry...You!!

Hello You,

It have been a VERY long time I haven't posted anything here...
nothing much to post...nothing much to talk about...
well, practically I do...
but, I'm afraid if I post whatever I wanted to say at the end of the day, without considering the feelings of other people, I might eventually hurt them.
I do realize that I can be TOO direct when I am pissed off or upset. I apologize for that...It's my nature.

So, in that just gave me an idea =)
I will still keep blogging in a way that I make the identity TOO subtle that no one else could really tell it...well, even if they do, that's not the point. The point is, I'm gonna make it somehow general...

Okay...that's it....I'm off to bed, I still don't feel well...but before that, I'm gonna eat because I'm fasting tomorrow...
Have a good day people =)
