Friday, January 15, 2010

Rainy day Post (Ouh~ I think too much that day!!)

It has been raining the whole day today...=.=

But before's a thought that I would like to share~
The other day, I was driving all the way from the campus to KK...need to buy something. So, since I'm in the center of the city, I decided to check the mailbox at the post office. The day was raining *as usually these days...and it can turn heavily anytime soon* While driving...I swear, I think my speed was only about 70km/h when I was usually driving almost 90km/h on that Sulaman Road...even if there's any car infront of me, I would just take over and leave that slow moving bastards....but that day...I was driving really slow...It was because I was thinking TOO MUCH!!! There's a lot of thought in my mind. All came in at the same time and I swear, I was ACTIVELY THINKING that for one moment, I forgot where am I actually heading to~ >_<
Then, it came into my realization...upon the fact that I've been thinking for sometime, which is:
"I seriously feel like I need a driver who can drive me around while I can do my work even in the car...I seriously feel like I need to have a personal assistant to help me arrange the schedule and stuff...OMG~ I am so like a bee!" me whatever...a freak or a geek...but I am doing my stuff right on track. I HAD TOO! Yeah maybe I drove too slow that day, but least I survive :D

Ok, enough with that day...
Well today...It's raining...and still raining ever since the morning...Gosh! the whether is so cool that I could sleep all day long...*Thank God that my morning classes has been cancelled :D*...I only have that 4pm class...
The fact is, there is sun eclipse that's happening...and I was kinda excited that I promoted to my friend to view it at the campus...but CRAP! It has been raining ALL DAY long...there's not even enough sun to heat my skin! HUH!

You see, I am someone who actually prefer the sunny day although I don't like it...but I still prefer it *it is two different thing between liking it, and preferring it while at the same time not liking it*. I prefer sunny day because of:

  1. Put it this way, I have tons of laundry I just take out from that washing machine...I need sunny day to dry it out
  2. I can go anywhere I want without feeling the rain tickling on my head and had to rush into the bathroom and shower as soon as I get home because I don't want to get ill >_<
  3. I drive better during sunny day because I can see to rainy day, it's a lot of obstacle!
  4. If it's a cool sunny day, I don't have to use umbrella to go here and there....but if it's rainy day; be it heavy or not, I have to use umbrella all the time to avoid my clothes getting wet! >_<
  5. Rainy day makes me sleepy and makes me don't want to go to class and just wanna sleep and dream and sleep and dream~
You see...If it's resting time...I do prefer rainy puts me to sleep even better...I don't say that I hate rainy day...for me, rainy day is a blessing...but I do hope that rainy day only happen occasionally so that it's easier for me to do my stuff without feeling the constraint in movement :D

Until then, have a sweet weekend...and enjoy the rainy day~ ^_^

MissAwesome signing OFF!~

P.S: My neck is killing me!!! >_<


  1. My back is killing me (>_<) uuh~

    Take it slow lady

  2. huhu~ yah....will take it slowly esp on these rainy days~ Whee~


What say you??~