Friday, January 29, 2010

"At least I'm standing up here, you're sitting down there" Borneo Bloggers Awards
So, I haven't really been updating my blog these few days...The last time I post new entry was on 15th January which is like more than 10 days ago =.="
Here's the thing:
I was running for the Student Representative Council (SRC) or known as Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). 
Big stuff huh? cuz it involve campaign and stuff...lobbying and all that...Only God knows how I felt those few days before the election and even before the 'Rapat Umum".

We were being quarantine at Beringgis Beach Resort in Papar...not bad though...although I do have some things to propose to the resort:

  1. perhaps provide some complimentary cookie as well in the room....I wanna munch something.
  2. Provide face towel Please~
  3. Fix the water heater...I was using the water heater to the max in the morning but I still feel very cold because it's not working!
  4. Wireless in the lobby only? hurm~ I wonder what others have to say about that
  5. The air-conditioning in the seminar room is not working...It was freakin' hot! Fix it please!
Ok...that was about it....overall I'm what I always expected for a resort :)

Ok, talk about the "Seminar Pemantapan Calon JPP 2010/2011...
Too bad I didn't make it as the MPP this time...and sadly to announce that this is my first and last time I ever try out for MPP as this year might be my final year in the campus as I am going for my Industrial Training early next year....Time passes by slowly eh?~

Anyway...the reason that I trying out for this MPP thingy is mostly because:
"This is part of my to-do list in my life"
The other reason...well, let it remain within me and my calon MPP friends :)

Too bad...I didn't make it was a tough competition...It was me against other program i.e: Diploma in Banking, Diploma in Business Study, and Bachelor Degree Economics candidates. This time around, we were going with the system whereby candidates of the same faculty will have to go against each was tough....out of 10 candidates from my faculty, there's only 2 seats available in the council for my faculty...
It was heart breaker that I didn't make it...but...I know...there's blessing in disguise...maybe it's not my time yet....for my time will come someday in the future~ 
"If it was not destined to me now, it doesn't mean that I'm not gonna get it forever...I WILL MAKE IT! :)"
So, that was it...I may not make it as the Student Representative Council...but hey:

  1.  I still hold the position of a Peers Mentors~ and I got paid for that :P 
  2. I still held the position as the President of English Debate Club (ECHOES Club) and we can go anywhere for debate tourney~
  3. Welfare officer for BBA (Marketing) Club
  4. Treasury for Mandarin's Nite Dinner
So, What more can I say...I am in the training ground to become a better leader in the future...May Allah lead me to the right way and may I always be blessed...Amin~

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~

P/s: Back to the normal student life with value-added as a debater~ :D


  1. You don't lose everything Ija. Still manage to hold something that acquire good leadership, let the chosen one do what they supposed to do.


What say you??~