Saturday, January 30, 2010

Muhasabah diri sebelum tidur....masih diambang sedih~ Borneo Bloggers Awards
I know I should:

  1. Never take it seriously
  2. Dare to fail
  3. Stand up again when I fell down
  4. Be grateful
  5. Never regret the past
  6. Cherish the moment
  7. Never be sad too often
  8. Never easily cry T_T
  9. Focus
  10. Put aside things that doesn't really benefit me
  11. Never give up
Apart from everything...I don't want to think about the fact that I almost get the things that I ever wanted to accomplish in life but I just couldn't....It sadden me for I've always missed everything in life....

When can I find my PURE happiness????

Friday, January 29, 2010

"At least I'm standing up here, you're sitting down there" Borneo Bloggers Awards
So, I haven't really been updating my blog these few days...The last time I post new entry was on 15th January which is like more than 10 days ago =.="
Here's the thing:
I was running for the Student Representative Council (SRC) or known as Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). 
Big stuff huh? cuz it involve campaign and stuff...lobbying and all that...Only God knows how I felt those few days before the election and even before the 'Rapat Umum".

We were being quarantine at Beringgis Beach Resort in Papar...not bad though...although I do have some things to propose to the resort:

  1. perhaps provide some complimentary cookie as well in the room....I wanna munch something.
  2. Provide face towel Please~
  3. Fix the water heater...I was using the water heater to the max in the morning but I still feel very cold because it's not working!
  4. Wireless in the lobby only? hurm~ I wonder what others have to say about that
  5. The air-conditioning in the seminar room is not working...It was freakin' hot! Fix it please!
Ok...that was about it....overall I'm what I always expected for a resort :)

Ok, talk about the "Seminar Pemantapan Calon JPP 2010/2011...
Too bad I didn't make it as the MPP this time...and sadly to announce that this is my first and last time I ever try out for MPP as this year might be my final year in the campus as I am going for my Industrial Training early next year....Time passes by slowly eh?~

Anyway...the reason that I trying out for this MPP thingy is mostly because:
"This is part of my to-do list in my life"
The other reason...well, let it remain within me and my calon MPP friends :)

Too bad...I didn't make it was a tough competition...It was me against other program i.e: Diploma in Banking, Diploma in Business Study, and Bachelor Degree Economics candidates. This time around, we were going with the system whereby candidates of the same faculty will have to go against each was tough....out of 10 candidates from my faculty, there's only 2 seats available in the council for my faculty...
It was heart breaker that I didn't make it...but...I know...there's blessing in disguise...maybe it's not my time yet....for my time will come someday in the future~ 
"If it was not destined to me now, it doesn't mean that I'm not gonna get it forever...I WILL MAKE IT! :)"
So, that was it...I may not make it as the Student Representative Council...but hey:

  1.  I still hold the position of a Peers Mentors~ and I got paid for that :P 
  2. I still held the position as the President of English Debate Club (ECHOES Club) and we can go anywhere for debate tourney~
  3. Welfare officer for BBA (Marketing) Club
  4. Treasury for Mandarin's Nite Dinner
So, What more can I say...I am in the training ground to become a better leader in the future...May Allah lead me to the right way and may I always be blessed...Amin~

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~

P/s: Back to the normal student life with value-added as a debater~ :D

Friday, January 15, 2010

Rainy day Post (Ouh~ I think too much that day!!)

It has been raining the whole day today...=.=

But before's a thought that I would like to share~
The other day, I was driving all the way from the campus to KK...need to buy something. So, since I'm in the center of the city, I decided to check the mailbox at the post office. The day was raining *as usually these days...and it can turn heavily anytime soon* While driving...I swear, I think my speed was only about 70km/h when I was usually driving almost 90km/h on that Sulaman Road...even if there's any car infront of me, I would just take over and leave that slow moving bastards....but that day...I was driving really slow...It was because I was thinking TOO MUCH!!! There's a lot of thought in my mind. All came in at the same time and I swear, I was ACTIVELY THINKING that for one moment, I forgot where am I actually heading to~ >_<
Then, it came into my realization...upon the fact that I've been thinking for sometime, which is:
"I seriously feel like I need a driver who can drive me around while I can do my work even in the car...I seriously feel like I need to have a personal assistant to help me arrange the schedule and stuff...OMG~ I am so like a bee!" me whatever...a freak or a geek...but I am doing my stuff right on track. I HAD TOO! Yeah maybe I drove too slow that day, but least I survive :D

Ok, enough with that day...
Well today...It's raining...and still raining ever since the morning...Gosh! the whether is so cool that I could sleep all day long...*Thank God that my morning classes has been cancelled :D*...I only have that 4pm class...
The fact is, there is sun eclipse that's happening...and I was kinda excited that I promoted to my friend to view it at the campus...but CRAP! It has been raining ALL DAY long...there's not even enough sun to heat my skin! HUH!

You see, I am someone who actually prefer the sunny day although I don't like it...but I still prefer it *it is two different thing between liking it, and preferring it while at the same time not liking it*. I prefer sunny day because of:

  1. Put it this way, I have tons of laundry I just take out from that washing machine...I need sunny day to dry it out
  2. I can go anywhere I want without feeling the rain tickling on my head and had to rush into the bathroom and shower as soon as I get home because I don't want to get ill >_<
  3. I drive better during sunny day because I can see to rainy day, it's a lot of obstacle!
  4. If it's a cool sunny day, I don't have to use umbrella to go here and there....but if it's rainy day; be it heavy or not, I have to use umbrella all the time to avoid my clothes getting wet! >_<
  5. Rainy day makes me sleepy and makes me don't want to go to class and just wanna sleep and dream and sleep and dream~
You see...If it's resting time...I do prefer rainy puts me to sleep even better...I don't say that I hate rainy day...for me, rainy day is a blessing...but I do hope that rainy day only happen occasionally so that it's easier for me to do my stuff without feeling the constraint in movement :D

Until then, have a sweet weekend...and enjoy the rainy day~ ^_^

MissAwesome signing OFF!~

P.S: My neck is killing me!!! >_<

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I finally change my caller ringtone POST~

Yo peeps!
Check this out!
I finally change my caller ringtone from the song which i purchase 1 year ago to something new...
Last year, i start to purchase Secondhand Serenade - Your Call as my 1st ever caller ringtone...using it ever since until today...and now, i've deleted it due to the fact that it's time to move on and get over the stupid retarded perception that i used to have upon the 1st ex => history bebeh~

then i started to purchase the top charts package...kinda squeezing my credit every month due to the fact that it need to be renewed *duh~ top charts keeps on changing...that's why it is called top chart at the very 1st place*...I had some of awesome tune back then such as All-American Rejects...ETC...but, i kinda not keen into the top charts song these i delete it and change to the 2 most current songs that i really adore which is:
Adam Lambert - Whataya Want from me
Kris Allen - Live like you're dying

i actually have a list of song...i wanted to purchase 3 including Boys like Girls - Two is Better Than One...but due to credit limitation...i have to put it aside...beside, i want the song to remain something that i felt special just for me....ouhhh....I love that sweeetttt~
ouh...and the song by Orianthi...I LOVE IT!!!
and also by Owl City - Fireflies....deeply in love with it....
and by Wondergirls - Nobody *do i need to say more darling??? :P*
also the one by Saleem - Tinggal kenangan *kinda sad...but worth it*
last but not Justin Bieber - One time *yeah...he sounds like a chick...but I LOVE THE SONG YO!!!~

Well, that's about the list of song that i fascinated the most for the time being

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Hope to cover the last 3 weeks ago(I Think~) Post

My last post was about Great Serdang Debate (GSD). I was supposed to write a new entry in this blog regarding VC CUP 2009 which was held in UiTM Bandaraya Melaka which happen as soon as GSD was over. But the thing is...

  1. I got so tired as soon as I get back home on the 15th December...Took me about 2-3 days to fully recharge my energy *I assume~*
  2. My mind was kinda unable to generate new stuff and even to circulate the idea that I had that moment *maybe due to the fact that I spend the last 2 weeks since 4th December until 14th December thinking like Einstein*
  3. At the same time...I was busy cleaning up my room *now tell am I suppose to fully recharge my energy???*
  4. Ouh...and I was preparing myself for any possibilities of what should expect for the Peers Mentors Course which starts on 19th December *which mark the end of my semester break*
Ok, a brief about VC Cup 2009:
  1. It was great...met lots of new people and friends
  2. It was worth it...the exchanging idea and stuff
  3. It was an exposure...lots of thing yo!
  4. It was AWESOME!...spending times with my debate family yo!
  5. It was cam-whoring session all the time...Thanks to Alif and whoever have the camera~ check this album, and
  6. What more I can words to describe it...It was a great experience that I will always remember and I am so gonna tell this experience to my kin :P
*Check out the photos of VC CUP 2009 in my facebook profile~*

So, moving on...the next thing happen to me is the Peers Mentors Course which starts on 19th-24th. It was great...made new family which i rather call PEERS MENTORS FAMILY....All have been great...all have been cooperative, all have been friendly and all have been AWESOME!

*All have been great! Gonna miss you all and the moment we had*

Soon after the Peers's Xmas and on the 26th was my eldest sister's engagement day. It was all red...but I cannot really stay long that day since I had to rush back to the campus since MMS starts on 27th.

*The Sisters and the cousins~*

So, on 27th is the day where MMS start...FYI: it's like the orientation week for the newbie who just enter UiTM...
I got to be Exco during the whole 1 week of MMS, ppl usually see me with 1st aid kit everywhere...hoho~ but overall it was a great experience...learned a lot not just being part of Exco Kesihatan...but also by being the Peers Mentor...What a valuable experience..:) Ouh, we celebrate New Year at Bilik Urusetia~ :D

As soon as the MMS over...all of the PM went to watch 'OLD DOGS' at GSC 1Borneo...It was AWESOME!!! had a great laugh...Conquering 2 and a half row of seats...IT WAS LEGENDARY!!!

As you can semester break end earlier...but it was worthwhile..I gained new experience, I made lotsa new friends and whatever happen the last 3 weeks is something that I truly hope going to help me in the future...:)

P.s: I hope it's not too late to wish all HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010...may the new year bring more good and pure happiness~ :)

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~