Thursday, February 4, 2010

Appointed as secretariat Borneo Bloggers Awards

Okay, I did not win the spot in the Student Representative Council (SRC) last week...Dissapointed?? I am...I mean who doesn't....Campaign bukan alang2 kot~'s what I got after the election:
  1. I was appointed as secretariat for the SRC and my area of concern will be more on the welfare of the Non-resident students...(EXCO PENEMPATAN NR), obviously i will be dealing more with Unit NR located at Unit Kolej Cluster A
  2. People recognize me :D and I made a lot of friends...I mean A LOT! :D
  3. Ouh...I gotta learn the fact that I had to give the sweetest smile to everyone even on my gloomy, darkest and shitty day of the year...*well, at least for the term that I'm serving*
  4. *Ka-ching~* Dengar2 elaun Peers Mentors tak lama keluar :D $_$
  5. *Double Ka-Ching~* Dengar2 duit claim berkempen sedang diuruskan...eheks~ Alhamdulillah~
  6. *ehem~* dengar2 jgk baju Peers Mentors minggu depan dapat :D
Overall...well, right now I'm waiting for my loan to be approved and I swear, if i get it, I wanna treat my mum and my sisters at least pizzahut...the whole house KFC :D *bernazar suda~*...Tapi yg penting, semua hutang mesti settle~ =D (buku, seminar...lalala~)

MissAwesome Signing OFF!~


  1. jgn lupa spend la law dapat gaji tu..hehhee

  2. You see, good things do come by on the end of the day... ;)

  3. haha~ si ooney XD :P

    @Tom...well, i just hope that things don't get any worst..huhu


What say you??~