Friday, August 7, 2009


Ok, ever since my 1st post in my very own blog here, I don't know what else to post.

I was just being so blur with everything that happen in my life lately...and trying hard to cope with everything these few days.

Here's a the Top-5 update on me as for this day:

  1. I have to do 2 research as for this semester.(1 individual research on the purchasing behavior of student on Ladies Perfume, 1 group research with Eaza and Hady...*we're working on it~*)
  2. I have more assignments to be submitted and the current 1 is Product Management
  3. Do I need to mention about Channel marketing?? *Seriously, I still don't get what the lecturer are teaching in class...* and the bad news is = 1st TEST IS ON 18TH AUG!!!!! (how I wish GSD haven't been Postpone!! DARN!!!!!)
  4. Owh, next week I'm gonna be one of the Adjudicator for the Inter-Bel Debate competition...whee~ kinda excited...can recruit new soul in the debate club here...whee~ and I love everything about debate...whee~
  5. Really need to ganti 2 more days that i skip during last ramadhan...hehe~ (Yeah, yeah, iIknow~ but duh~ I'm a GIRL! Beat it!)
That's about the top-5 things on what I really and need to up to these days. Yeah, it's only 5, but only God knows how hectic it is.

Top-5 things so not really cool these days in my life:
  1. Fuggin' Stress with everything!
  2. Car!!! Carburator pecah my dad ckp~ urghhh~ looks like jln kaki la ni almost everyday to class...bus tak consistent!!!
  4. Really need to start eating...This lately, I really loose my appetite...and believe it, it's been almost 2 weeks I haven't eat rice and my classmates complaint that I look even skinny after the semester break.
  5. I realize all of my best friends that I can trust are really far from me and that's not COOL!!! ARGGHHHH!!!!
Top-5 things I really need to have these days:
  1. A hug from a friend
  2. More MONEY!!!
  3. BOOKS!!
  4. DEBATE!!!
  5. Good show on TV~
Although sometimes I wonder why do people like to make life complicated, but afterall, I don't blame life for making it hard for is what makes me feel that life worth fighting for...and I will never give up, instead, I will always rise and shine even on my gloomy or darkest day in my life because I have FAITH in me...

Ija Signed Out~

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