Saturday, August 1, 2009

The idea of blogging

Finally, last night i decided to start a blog after so many thought about it. It has been for many months and weeks that i put into consideration whether to create a blog or not. I have been observing people and seems like, there's a lot of blog. It's like, it has become a trend nowadays to have a blog. Me myself was afraid on what should be the idea that I want to display on my very own blog, what would be the concept?

Some people simply said to me "Come on, blogging is simple, it's easy...Just create anything, post it on your own blog and have people to comment and all". Yes, it may be easy, creating a blog is another thing, however, creating a NEW IDEA so that people will keep visiting it is totally ANOTHER BIG THING because, what's the purpose of a blog if there's no one interested in reading it, right?

One thing that I am clear on when it comes to this; where is the DIRECTION. What the blog really is all about and what state of mind would the blog want to create among the guest. The most important thing is; WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT and WHERE IT SHOULD LEAD.

Then I figure, my mind is something UNIQUE. It is only made for myself and no one else possess the same power of mind as I do. I have always been into writing, I always have my thoughts written down and keep it for myself and read it when I feel like figuring out who I was before. I even have the dream to at least publish a novel that will be able to touch everyone.

My name is Norafizah Binti Basirin and sometimes goes by the name Norafizah Binti's the same. People usually call me by the name of Ija. Currently doing a degree in Marketing. The purpose of me starting this blog is not for the sake of popularity, but i want to share with the world what are my thoughts that I kept in silence all this while.

So, wish you all will have good times reading my blog. I promise that i will keep updated with many good articles from my very own thought for everyone's reading pleasure. :-)

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