Saturday, August 15, 2009

I have some issue with friends request in FS and FB

It's been a while i haven't post anything in my blog~

This is the reason why:
  • Marketing Research Proposal
need to be submitted by next week and i had so many sleepless night already proof-reading my proposal like zillion times =.="
  • Channel Management's TEST!!!
Freakin' retarded! i just got my copy of the text book and i haven't read a thing for the test...may the force be with me...i hope my common sense will make it work...seriously, i am still lost in the class...>_<
  • Product Management
Oh Sh*T! i just remember, i had 1 group assignments with Yuq and Ledia and we haven't started it yet!!! and i can bet Mdm will ask for it this coming monday...YAY!!! >_<
  • Report Writing
Questionnaire~ Seriously, dude...we are lack of question to ask...somebody give us the idea...seriously =.="
  • Mandarin
Homework~ ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! It's TOO MUCH!!!! can somebody give me a mandarin complete dictionary as a birthday present in advance this year??? T_T
  • Consumer's Behaviour
haiya~ 1st assignment need to be submitted this 27th Aug and i haven't start a thing...grrr~
*saving the best for the last* which is tomorrow (16th August 2009)..Seriously dude, i haven't prepare anything and trust me, whatever may come out from me tomorrow will be a complete common sense >_<

i don't know if it's just me or what, but i don't have enough time these days...i tried to spare sometime, but i just couldn't afford it. my class schedule is Pretty HECTIC these days...class from the morning, and at the end of the day, when i come back home, i sorta pass out until the next morning
. i tried to push myself to the limit i.e: made myself a very strong coffee. but then, i end up sleeping without having a sip of the coffee...
and moreover, i cannot work when my body is too
lethargic and my brain become too tired to think!!! i am too tired an
d these days, it's like I'VE BEEN DRUGGED!!!

Ok, i do realize that i have blabbering a lot and doesn't even touch on the title itself *forehead smacking-duh~

Ok, here's the thing, well, i did mention before that
I don't care what's going on on FB these days and I will not as active and frequent as before, as i mention...see the photo~

and i say that i did...been not into this site as frequent like before. I let myself get lost in my own world of
but then, when i log into my FB last night...Seriously dude! i got 7 friends request! i was a bit excited..who knows, maybe some of my old school friends or whatsoever~
but when i check my disappointment,
I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM!!!!!...i don't wanna curse...BUT I GERAM TIS~

ok, here's the thing,

  • First situation
  • I am fine if people wanna add me....but get this straight! MIND YOURSELF A BIT INTRO OF YOURSELF IN THE FRIEND REQUEST. Seriously dude, it only takes a few moment to tell me who you are and why you add me...i would most probably confirm your friend request. But what happen here is, PPL JUST SIMPLY ADD!!!!!! and i don't like it! and ever since i change my profile pic to this 1, baru ramai
    la nak add...Grrrr~ i think i should've set my profile pic with me and my other half again, or me with a little baby proclaiming that it's my baby....grrrr~

    i wonder if i use this photo of this dude over here, i think no one even dare to add me XD

  • Second situation
  • If ppl have mutual friend with me that i KNOW~ fine, i add...yeah yeah...tapi yg tak ble blah, ppl yg langsung haram takde mutual friend! DUh~ hello~ do you seriously think that i am interested to get to know yah? Think again buddy! in case you don't have mutual friend with me, you have to be AWESOME for me to consider having you in my friend list.

  • Third situation
  • and the fact that some ppl suggest other ppl to be my friend...and that people that they suggested is someone that I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!, why bother to suggest to me when they don't want to add me in the very first place??? Duh~

    C'mon ppl! i tak mengamuk or whatsoever...but i add ppl when i wanted to and if i needed to...and those yg add me for the sake of "i-wanna-get-to-know-ya-because-u-are-cute" , seriously dude! GET A LIFE!!!!! i mean GET A REAL LIFE!!!.

    Because i intend to make my facebook adding ppl that i DON'T EVEN KNOW AT ALL is something not AWESOME~ =.="


    1. maybe you are insterested in...

      this is the best dictionary I could find...

    2. Hi MaiZhe,

      Thanks for reading my blog...and thanks for the link :)


    What say you??~