Monday, November 21, 2011

Who do you think you are??

Everyone have their own goals and achievements, the way how one individual do what they do in order to achieve it, it is up to them.

The question now is: 
"who do you think you are trying to be the barriers to stop oneself from going towards what they have been dreaming and planning of???"

The only thing that I hope that others will do is: 
"To regard the effort and be the one to cheer and give words of comfort when the going gets rough"

And who do they think they are, regarding whatever action we took and question it. You see, THERE'S A BLESSING IN DISGUISE and at least for now I got some information rather than just stuck in the same place, doing the same thing while other people are out there exploring life. 

I am a bit pissed (that's why I use the large font)..but I am fine.


P/s: Jangan ingat seseorang itu akan kekal di sesuatu tempat, jangan jadikan diri anda sebagai penghalang...anda mungkin tidak menyedarinya...tapi, suatu hari anda akan tau bahawa kadang-kadang, dimana seseorang itu berada tidak sesuai dengan tempat mereka berada dan mereka perlu melebarkan sayap dan mencari pengalaman sejajar dengan keinginan dan kebolehan seseorang.

Bagi saya...

Saya tak kisah kalau Pasukan Bola Sepak Malaysia ke Sukan SEA 2011 kalah di tangan tuan rumah...Saya akur sekiranya ia adalah permainan dan adil dan kedua-dua pihak menghormati antara satu sama lain. Bagi saya, kekalahan itu adalah sesuatu yang pasti, begitu juga dengan setiap kemenangan..Tahniah Harimau Muda...anda semua telah membanggakan semua rakyat Malaysia di serata dunia kerana kita adalah CHAMPION di SOUTH EAST ASIA!!!

**You guys make EVERYONE proud

Saya tak kisah dengan seribu kutukan mana-mana pihak tentang Malaysia...biar mencurah kutukan yang diterima, bagi saya, Malaysia adalah Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku...Saya bangga menjadi Rakyat Malaysia.

Tahniah kepada barisan Pasukan Bola Sepak Malaysia ke Sukan SEA yang telah berjaya membawa balik pingat emas. Walau beribu kutukan, walau jutaan individu yang mencaci anda semua di stadium tuan rumah, tetapi semangat Malaysia dan Harimau Muda tetap berkobar. Syabas!!!

Terima Kasih juga kepada anda semua kerana anda semua menunjukkan sportmanship yang terbaik. Semoga anda semua pulang ke tanah air dengan selamat.

Have a good rest to Team Malaysia...your journey is still long ahead.
But remember, I, NORAFIZAH BASIRIN, Always support you!!


Good night you sweet sweet people =)

P/s: Tak releven la nak minta declare cuti peristiwa esok hari..boleh buat negara byk kerugian. Jangan jadikan cuti peristiwa sebagai satu trend.

**Credit to Ayuni...saya amik gambar tu dari blog anda =3**

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Le tagged

  1. You must post these rules.
  2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
  3. .Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
  4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
  6. No tagging back!
  7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

  1. I love chocolate and pudding
  2. I'm single and still searching but not rushing because I'm picky >:)
  3. I am a south-paw (left-handed) person
  4. I cannot sit still and I always tend to keep myself busy
  5. I can't appropriately pronounce the word "R".
  6. I easily get inspired.
  7. I hate people who dump babies, and people who torture animals for fun...I truly hate them with all my heart and souls. 
  8. I speak to my cat *meow* 
  9. I sleep like a baby
  10. I love travelling .
  11. I buy my first iPod Nano with my own pocket money! =)

Questions from Miss Alia BEE! =)

1. What is your favorite color? Why?
Tough question I must say because I love many colors. But I must have Blue is the color (CHELSEA BABEY!!!)

2. What is your all time favorite song?
Mama by Spice Girls

3. Facebook? or Twitter?
Both! I facebook just for fun, and I Tweet random stuff 

4. Who is your alter-ego?

5. What is your hidden talent/s?
Baking cakes, acting *wink*

6. Public speaking? or debating?
I used to public-speaking in high-school, but I find debating is more fun since I got to POI and argue with people. Been in debate club since 2005. FTW!

7. A picture of you when you were a kid.
Le 2 y/o me celebrating le birthday
8. Do you like your name?
Yes I do

9. What is your dream house? Why?
MY dream house is the Little Brown House by the Sea because I want to enjoy the ocean breeze with my loved ones

10. YM? or MSN? or SKYPE?

11. Do you love/like me? Why? ehee
I, I , I love you like a love song baby~ hahaha~ Of course I love you Yaya, u're like my siblings to me..You're part of the debate family that I love so much <3

1. Do you watch football? What's your team?
2. Do you think that Facebook will face the same fate as Friendster and Myspace did?
3. Why do you blog?
4. What makes you hit the "LIKE" button on Facebook?
5. What is your favorite movie/s of all time?
6. Where is your phone as you are blogging this?
7. A picture from your last birthday.
8. Where is the poop?
9. What is in your handbag/bag?
10. Do you have any of Dashboard Confessional's song in your playlist?
11. Do you love/like me? Why? ehee

1. Sandra 
2. Irving
3. Arif Jamal
4. Nad
5. Ayuni
6. Afiq Zubir
7. Tom Rungitom
8. Misha Mulio
9. Norliana
10. Yuq
11. Ooney


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Million TQ just as much as the stars in the sky at night

I finally obtain my degree (FINALLY)

Me holding my degree while my mum at the back with the bouquet of flowers

I thought that I would never make it, considering the history that I used to have. I was once kicked out from this very institution due from bad performance in academic (I know that I can never really do that course but I was willing to risk everything that time just to make sure that my thoughts were wrong). I was devastated that moment thinking that I will never be able to do my degree. But I have this urge telling me that I need to back on my feet again and show everyone that I still can do it even though I was rejected. Alhamdulillah, as in this year of 2011, I have finally obtain my degree from the same institution, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

The 25th October 2011 mark the day that I finally become an alumni after I received my degree from the very own Vice Chancellor of UiTM, Dato' Prof. Ir Dr. Sahol Hamid.

Dato' Prof. Ir Dr. Sahol Hamid
Vice Chancellor of UiTM Malaysia.
The only irony thing that I could ever think about while receiving the scroll from his hand was; well, last year, I got the opportunity to attend his Hari Raya Open house which he cordially invited the Student Representative (SRC) of UiTM which happen to have a centralize meeting.
In VC's office last year =3
So, gotta say that I was honored to have the opportunity =)

Going back to the graduation thingy.
When I think about it, the path to finally obtain this degree is very hard.

That many sleepless nights doing assignments...THE life-threatening assignments!

Some of the life-threatening assignmentss  

That many days of arguing with lecturers in class...I mean THE lecturers (You guys are the best!)
The one and only Ms. Bern who never fail to scold us every class and gives us lots of  motivation

That many happy and tormenting days with my classmates..I mean THE classmates!
THE Classmates *Baju Kuning is our lecturer; Sir Franklin*
During field trip to Danum Valley..Epic Picture is EPIC!
That many debate tournament...and the people that I met that time

Some of the tourney and the people 
People in the campus
Running for SRC
That many other people...
That little girl is Sarah. She is Adorable. 

MashaAllah..It has been great years. I get to meet lots of people from many walks of life and experience things that I never thought I would experience. I still remember, while doing my 1st semester of Diploma, I was almost in the debate team to Shah Alam in 2005, unfortunately, they have to cut me off due to budget constraint. That day, I was devastated..But I made a promise that in the future, I will redeem myself, that I will go to that many debate tournament that I even don't have time to spend my semester break, that I somehow have to make the family vacation slightly short for me, that I even gonna complaint that I don't have weekend anymore. Alhamdulillah, I DID IT! I went to many debate tournament, been flying all over the country, I was so busy, I even unable to attend my niece birthday party twice! Celebrating my birthday while out of hometown for 3 times,  I don't have mid semester nor even semester break, not even close to any weekend. I was just been going everywhere. Alhamdulillah for the opportunity.

So, here it is...the thank yous to people who have leave a great impact in my life.

To Allah SWT: The starting of 2009, it was not too long when the year start that I involve in love relationship that in the end really breaks my heart. I still remember that I spend one week to get myself back on my feet again after my last break up. That semester, I thought that I will not survive and I will not score during my final exam. But Allah Swt have His own way of making things comes my way and Alhamdulillah, and I have to admit as well that I still can't believe that I actually manage to maintain my academic reputation. Thank You Allah. Thank you for always giving me the courage to fight for what I know is right for me, Thank you for always listening to me after praying, I always knew that when I don't have anybody to turn to or talk to, I knew that you are an absolute place that I can turn to whenever I feel like talking to anyone.  Alhamdulillah, Allah has granted me things that I wanted all this while. I feel blessed. Alhamdulillah.

To My Parents: This honor of having to complete my degree, I dedicate solely to my mum and my dad..if it's not because of them, I wouldn't have what it takes to complete all this. Because of them as well, I am proud to say that even during my diploma and doing my degree, I didn't apply PTPTN. I am grateful to have Mr.Basirian Musi and Pn.Rasidah Arasdin as my parents. Their endless effort and love towards me are something that I know I can never repay, I owe both of them here and hereafter. I wish Allah Swt will always protect my parents and make them happy, they are the source of my happiness and strength, they are the reason that I survive and I hope that I will turn to someone who can help them, shower them with wealth and love like they did to me. Amin. Same goes to the rest of my family. Thank you.

To My Lecturers; Ms. Bernadatte, Mr. Frank, Madam Hasnawati, Madam Imelda, PM Rosdiana, PM Roslan, Dr. Worran, Ms. Jac, Madam Cynthia, PM Matyasin, En. Sibley, PM Abdul Rahman, En Jais, Mr. Kam, Mr. Marsus, PM Roslan Mokhtar, Mr. Mano, Dr. Xavier and every lecturer...if it's not because of you guys giving me the nightmare from the assignment and term papers up until every project, I don't think I will ever understand whatever I study and life. Thank you very much for keeping up with me as your students. I always know that I always owe each and everyone of you. May God always protect all of you.

To My Debate Family, Echoes Club; Mr. Firdausi, Azel, Kim, Sheenie, Aqilah, Alia Bee, Aan, Sandra..(gosh! There's many of you!!!), throughout my entire life in UiTM, my days wouldn't be as exciting as what it turn out in the end if it's not because of you guys. Thank you for the priceless moment that I had with you guys. The club make my uni life even more interesting and alive and makes my uni life with a clearer purposes and aim. The club help me a lot and I hope the effort will still continue. I will always support the club and I will always help. Thank you!

To my classmates, you're the best...Thank you very much.

There are just too many people that I want to say thank you. You guys are among that many other people who make it happen..I really appreciate you guys and I always pray that you guys will have a happy life, sweet life, and always protected in whatever you guys do. =)

Until then, I hope to see you guys in the future.

Some pictures during my convocation =)

Good Luck to each and everyone of you..

See you in the next entry you sweet sweet people =)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Graduation 5.0 - Introduction

Assalamualaikum and Good Day everyone! =)

It has been a while I haven't post anything and I am sorry because I know that I did promised everyone that I will post something regarding my graduation day but I was too busy entertaining my family while I was in KL.
So, I only have time to come back blogging as soon as I reach home. But, as you may realize, only now that I actually really make a come-back to my blog because I was really busy for the last 2 weeks, and to be honest, I am still in the busy mode and actually in the midst of mental-block on how am I suppose to write.
So, I decide that...

I will come back within 2-3 days later and write about my graduation. InsyaAllah I will try my best to put the best way possible in my next entry.

So, until then, you people have sweet sweet time of November.

Have a nice day.

See you Soon!


P/s: Esok nak kena tido awal...I ran out of excuses already if I don't come tomorrow =]