Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I didn't accept the job offer...something came up..so, I've to decline~


Monday, August 15, 2011

Deciding a job offer

Last thursday I went for an interview (Sorry, I cannot disclose any information regarding the company nor even the detail about the position).
The company..well, it is the subsidiary of a multinational company..
the pay is not bad as for a fresh graduate as me...plus, they provide other benefits as well...
the only thing that I may have problem with is the location.

It was stated earlier even before the interview, the HR of the company stated in the e-mail calling for interview that should I be accepted for this position, I will be relocated to somewhere else around Malaysia.
And because of that...I didn't really put any high hope for it since I'm a girl and feminism might be an issue.


Today is Monday...I received a phone call from one of the interviewer (which i believe one of the bos in KL), he informed me that I got the job...(Yeay???) I suppose to be happy...but then, my fear came flashing right infront of my eyes the moment he told me that I will be based in one of the company's outlet in KL. Baffle I must say..I know I should have sound excited while on the phone, but I was...not...

Because I was shock about it...I was hoping that I didn't get it ever since I finish the interview...but then I nailed it...I haven't discuss with my parents. I don't want to assume how they will react...I just leave it when I finally discuss with them.

I still am really shock..I was not fully ready for it and the fact that it's working out of my hometown...that's pretty hardcore I must say because I have to learn how to really live on my own, how to manage my financial, how to manage my time and so much more..I really am kinda torn on which to decide...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The telephone service provider

Hello The Telephone Service Provider,

You promised me many things, you promised me that you provide the lowest cost of SMS, MMS, Internet, and Call rate. You claim that you are the hottest and the most in-thing telephone service provider in the country...You sponsor many event, I see you everywhere, on the TV, on the Radio, the Billboard, Busses, Cars, EVERYWHERE FOR GOD SAKE!!!!

But why are you still sucky??? YOU SUCK BIG TIME YOU MONEY-SUCKER!!!! You think your rate is the cheapest, but the next time I check my balance, it's suddenly drop like HOMAIIIIGGGGOOOOOODDDDD!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

Then I lodge complaint about how I always unable to make any call nor even sent/receive any text...YOU LISTEN HERE BASTARD!! It's not only me!!! many people who also use Maxis face the same problem!!! Y U NO FIX THE PROBLEM???!!!!

Saitan!!!! palui!!! Babi!!!!

Oh yeah! I am really dissappointed and mad at you MAXIS/HOTLINK!!!!
You better do something about it or I'll change to another service provider and yes...I'M FU***ING SERIOUS THIS TIME

P/s: Contohilah customer service Telekom Malaysia yang sentiasa peramah dan putting customer first and always right..

Your customer since 2004