Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The almost aimless post~

wat bah me this??~ I have blog, but haven't updated it for centuries...I have so much to say, I wanted to find the medium to express my unsatisfied-me, but I haven't been fully utilizing this blog which actually can become the medium...LOL~

Today, I realize that I do have so much to say *obviously*...but the thing is...where got time?
I have 3 more assignment need to be completed by next week, 2 for creating databases and 1 for the final report of my marketing research...but the thing is:

1. I am freakin' almost retarded doing those database! My lecturer told me to explore and learn to use those Microsoft access thingy...but the thing is :: I SUX!:: >_<

2. I should have complete already my marketing research with all the findings and stuff...but, i haven't receive the remaining 40 questionnaire that i ask my cousin to help my distribute in the campus. Where the heck is she??!!! *grrrr~*

You see, I have exactly 2 more weeks to go for my 1st paper for my final exam this time around. this is so gonna be my final exam schedule...even though just a draft, but the fact is, it will never really change:

5th - Marketing research
8th - Channel management
11th - Info. tech in business also product management
13th - Consumer behavior

Yes, as you can see it, the early dates of November are gonna be TOTALLY hectic to me! >_<>
so, in that case, starting from 18th October until 14th November, please:
1. Don't ask me out to daily outing are only limited to around the campus especially library
2. Don't feed me too much...i may end up like the ular sawa and sleep the whole day...*as you can see, i got no more time ler~*
3. I know that movie pisau cukur is coming soon on 5th november, but please...dun make me feel like wanting to watch it before 14th
4. I will remain mostly invisible on my yahoo! messenger. If you are reading this, if you want to chat or whatsoever, feel free to buzz me...i will worry :) it's not bugging me because...hey! the lady also need someone to become sengal with :P

ok, enough about the exam-panic-oriented-thought.

Ok, the other day, my nephew wrote on my wall on facebook and ask me about my blog...
This particular nephew whom i always refer to as semboi wanted my to link his blog to mine and mine to him...which i don't know how...
but then i find it interesting to have this kinda, QJ! no worry, sooner or later i will do it k..

ouh, btw..u guys better go check out his blog...pretty awesome stuff he got there :D

so, that's it for this time...i try to write something tomorrow :)
In the mean time, be good and smile :)